Visited my childhood dream place in Amsterdam : Anne Frank’s Huis

<p>When you are 13, and you receive Ann Frank&rsquo;s diary translated in Kannada as a birthday gift from your Father. Well you see a girl&rsquo;s face in the book, think it would be a diary that could be girly and start reading it&hellip;. Never knew her story, Learnt the story after few days! It&rsquo;s hard for a 13 year old girl, oceans away, years passed to read another girl&rsquo;s diary of similar age but to end up crying not understanding everything entirely because you are not even from the same continent, yet feel gut wrenching pain to have gone through her story. Anne could have been like my friend, could have learnt much more, lived more&hellip; This book changed my thoughts on how life can be and how grateful should I be&hellip; Without knowing exactly where is Amsterdam I had thought I should visit her house if ever in future I go to Europe.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>