Scandinavian Dream | Stop — Denmark

<p>Our deep sleep was interrupted at 6 am with shouts: Take your things and get off the bus faster! &ldquo;</p> <p>Quickly grabbing the bags, everyone ran somewhere. Only one thought appeared in my head: &ldquo;Why are we being driven to the border like that, and why do we even need to go through passport control ?!&rdquo;</p> <p>Having risen to the waiting room, I did not immediately realize that we were sailing on the sea! I realized this only when I saw a map of the ship on the wall!</p> <p>We met the dawn on the Scandinavian freighter Titanic! A storm of emotions washed over me, just as they washed over me when I saw the prices for breakfast!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>