Raptor Dream

<p>I had a bird dream the night before I set the world I&rsquo;d known on fire.</p> <p>Two large owls of indeterminate species were in the upstairs room of my first childhood home (of course, being a dream, it both was and wasn&rsquo;t the same structure). I was panicking about the safety of some kittens that were in the room with the owls, worried that spooking the birds away would somehow end in catastrophe.</p> <p>After several stressful minutes, the nocturnal guests took their leave. As they were launching themselves through a side window exit, it appeared that the force of their wingbeats violently blew off the head of an American kestrel perched idly on a nearby tree branch. Horrors.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/conkaree/raptor-dream-fd1e0878eac6"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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