Tag: daughter

His daughter called from an elevator right before the Tower collapsed

I was sitting in the newsroom writing a news article about a recent City Council meeting when I noticed Trish staring at the box TV. Trish was our office manager and she stood frozen in front of the television, which sat on a file cabinet. “A plane is stuck in a building in New York,&rdq...

Tears And Broken Bonds: The Day My Daughter Forgot Me

Six months had passed since I’d seen my baby girl. I thought about Victoria every day, but I hesitated to call because I’d have to deal with Rebecca, the aunt who had taken my daughter during my mental health crisis. Even though I regretted letting her go, at the time I was in no conditi...

Home At Last: The Joyful Return Of My Daughter

Despite months of trying, I was no closer to my goal of bringing my daughter, Victoria, back home to live with me. She had been staying with her Aunt Rebecca for close to ten months, and I had neither the finances nor the mental stability to get her back. Sometimes, I wondered if I’d ever s...

Travels With My Daughter: Part One Of Hopefully Many

Back in January, she’d asked me how I wanted to spend my birthday this year. I was probably grumbling at the pandemic-enforced lack of adventure in our lives. My last two birthdays had fallen in full-blown lockdowns. Our family unit bubbled across two households, so I at least got the semi-cin...

Adjusting Our Lives for Our Autistic Daughter

Miami, a city that knows adaptation like no other, is our home. Its skyline, a kaleidoscope of architectural styles, mirrors the ever-changing hues of the ocean it borders. It’s a city that dances to the rhythm of change, much like our family. In our family, we have a unique rhythm, a rhyth...

How My Autistic Daughter Teaches Me Patience

Miami, a city that never sleeps, pulsates with energy. The streets buzz, people rush, and time races. In this whirlwind, I find myself caught, always chasing something. My patience wears thin, and my temper flares. Enter my little girl, a bundle of joy with a world of her own. Her melodies, thoug...

How Nature Connects My Autistic Daughter and Me

With its lush greenery and ocean breezes, Miami is a treasure trove of natural wonders. The palm trees sway as if dancing to a rhythm only they can hear. The sun kisses the earth, and the air is alive with possibilities. One fine morning, as the dampness of sea salt wafted through the air, I took...

How I Communicate Without Words With My Non-Verbal Daughter

Morning light dances through the windows of our home. My daughter, with her bright eyes and boundless energy, is already in the living room. She doesn’t use words like you and me, but oh, she sings. Her voice fills the house with melodies that are uniquely hers. The words are not quite words, ...

My trans daughter looks a lot like Barbie…except for that one part

I remember it like yesterday- Gideon sitting on his knees, grinning from ear to ear, and meticulously (well, as meticulously as his 4-year-old hands would allow) sifting through the boxes that his big cousin Harper had shunned to the side of her bedroom. Harper’s “Barbie bins” were...

MLK Jr Day Takes on A New Importance with Our Adopted Daughter

PBS and Kids Academy on Youtube has some great content, and both of the kids really engaged with them. However, a lot of it goes over their heads which is to be expected. It’s really all about the tone setting. Now having a daughter of color, what we considered a worthwhile and important conve...

My Daughter Became My Son

“Russia bans all pro-LGBTQ publications in Russian advertising, media, books, films and theatre productions.” Should this actually surprise us? After all, Russia does not have the most stellar record when it comes to human rights. Particularly when it relates to the LGBTQ community. ...

Can I Connect with My Transgender Daughter as I Connected with My Son?

Since my child came out as a transgender woman (read more about that here), I have found that my emotional stumbling blocks haven’t come all at once. They have played out over time, revealing themselves like terrain on a newly explored map. I’m lucky to be married to my best friend. B...

Don’t send your daughter to college here: University rankings for sexual assault

It’s a sad fact that parents of daughters need to think about sexual assault when sending their children to college. One in every five women, or more, are sexually assaulted in college, usually in the first year. In the #MeToo era, it’s important to realize that this college period of ri...

I Am the Daughter of Immigrants

My youngest has been with me through the day. I spent the day with Mama and daddy. I didn’t realize my daughter was with me, until she commented on me calling Mama “Mommy,” she never heard me call her Mommy. Anyhow, I suppose if anyone was going to be with me while I was with Mama ...

Maybe One Day…She Will Skip

My daughter loves to skip. For me there isn’t a bigger indicator of her living her best life than seeing her skip down a sidewalk without a care in the world. But she knows that when we are out (especially at night) there is NO SKIPPING! Last week we were coming out of the grocery...

Book Review: We the Scientists

Addison and Cassidy, the twin daughters of Chris and Hugh Hempel, had passed their first and second birthdays as seemingly normal and healthy girls until a terrible flu brought them to a doctor’s office. Multiple tests and frustrating dead ends revealed the horrific truth: The twins suffered f...

Will You Quit Drinking If I Become The Perfect Daughter?

There she was, sitting on the twin-sized bed in the bare room that resembled a sad college dormitory. Her slender silhouette was more noticeable than I ever remembered, accentuated by clothing that drooped as if hung on a fragile hanger. I trailed behind my father as he led the way into the stark...

What Really Happened to Oppenheimer’s Daughter?

The life of Katherine “Toni” Oppenheimer, daughter of the renowned physicist Robert Oppenheimer, is a poignant tale interwoven with significant historical events. Born in 1944 in Los Alamos, New Mexico, her early years were marked by her father’s pivotal role in the development of ...