Home At Last: The Joyful Return Of My Daughter

<p>Despite months of trying, I was no closer to my goal of bringing my daughter, Victoria, back home to live with me. She had been staying with her Aunt Rebecca for close to ten months, and I had neither the finances nor the mental stability to get her back.</p> <p>Sometimes, I wondered if I&rsquo;d ever see her again. Although Rebecca wasn&rsquo;t Victoria&rsquo;s legal guardian, my daughter had everything a little girl could want at her house. There were days I couldn&rsquo;t afford to feed myself, and I couldn&rsquo;t risk anything like that happening to Victoria.</p> <p>Since I was being paid for my transcription job by the line, I tried to type as much as possible to make my paychecks bigger. However, there were days I couldn&rsquo;t work at all because of severe depression and anxiety. Just when I thought I was going to get ahead, my mental illness sabotaged me at every turn.</p> <p>I worried about being able to eat and pay my rent, finally realizing that I couldn&rsquo;t do either one in the next month. The fear of being thrown out in the street triggered an endless cycle of panic attacks on top of my depression that made the work situation even worse.</p> <p>I remained grateful to Rebecca, who made sure Victoria had a pretty room to sleep in and plenty of food. Even though I missed her terribly, at least she had stability in her life. Rebecca gave more than I could ever provide for my daughter. My ex-husband allowed my sons to come and visit for short periods, but it never seemed like enough time. I hated myself for not being able to fulfill my obligations as a mother.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/ellemeno/home-at-last-the-joyful-return-of-my-daughter-ad3b27b9232f"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>