Travels With My Daughter: Part One Of Hopefully Many

<p>Back in January, she&rsquo;d asked me how I wanted to spend my birthday this year. I was probably grumbling at the pandemic-enforced lack of adventure in our lives. My last two birthdays had fallen in full-blown lockdowns. Our family unit bubbled across two households, so I at least got the semi-cinematic pleasure of watching the movie of my choice on my ex-husband&rsquo;s enormous projector screen as a birthday treat. But I was definitely ready for more than that.</p> <p>&ldquo;Oh I don&rsquo;t know!&rdquo; I said. She pressed me further. Even thinking outside the four walls seemed a fairly pointless activity at this time. She pushed further still. &ldquo;Ok &hellip; I guess, ideally, in my dreams, I&rsquo;d love us to go away for an adventure. Edinburgh, maybe?&rdquo; &ldquo;Well why can&rsquo;t we?&rdquo; the irritatingly wise eight-year-old replied.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>