How My Autistic Daughter Teaches Me Patience

<p>Miami, a city that never sleeps, pulsates with energy. The streets buzz, people rush, and time races. In this whirlwind, I find myself caught, always chasing something. My patience wears thin, and my temper flares.</p> <p>Enter my little girl, a bundle of joy with a world of her own. Her melodies, though not words, are music to my ears. But her world is different; she is non-verbal autistic. I yearn to understand her, but my impatience builds walls.</p> <p>One day, as the Miami sun sets, painting the sky in hues of gold, my daughter takes my hand. Her eyes, deep pools of emotion, look into mine. She hums a tune, her fingers tapping a rhythm. Time slows down.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>