Can I Connect with My Transgender Daughter as I Connected with My Son?

<p>Since my child came out as a transgender woman (<a href="" rel="noopener">read more about that here</a>), I have found that my emotional stumbling blocks haven&rsquo;t come all at once. They have played out over time, revealing themselves like terrain on a newly explored map.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m lucky to be married to my best friend. But, until my wife and I got together, the person I was closest to was my daughter. I didn&rsquo;t consider myself a &ldquo;buddy parent&rdquo;; she was just an old soul who had always made being her parent easy.</p> <p>She was always very much her own person, and her interests opened up new worlds to me. Over the years, we would connect through different things: video games, philosophy, politics, psychology, and music. As she went through different phases, she&rsquo;d share songs with me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>