Maybe One Day…She Will Skip

<p>My daughter loves to skip. For me there isn&rsquo;t a bigger indicator of her living her best life than seeing her skip down a sidewalk without a care in the world.<br /> <br /> But she knows that when we are out (especially at night) there is&nbsp;<strong>NO SKIPPING!</strong>&nbsp;Last week we were coming out of the grocery store and just as I reached into my purse for the keys, she grabbed my hand, looked up and said, &ldquo;Remember Mom&hellip;&nbsp;<strong>NO LOLLYGAGGING</strong>!&rdquo; A phrase she&rsquo;s heard me say on countless occasions. She understands that we have to be aware of our surroundings at all times.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: daughter Loves