Tag: dating

Bumble, Hinge, Tinder, and Match — which dating app has the best marketing? A study.

Dating has to be one of the most fun categories to do marketing for. Customers are emotionally invested, there is endless psychology to investigate, and the topic is actually interesting. It’s no wonder the category is filled with great campaigns. Hinge’s ‘Designed to be deleted...

Frustrated with the Apps? Try the Burned Haystack Dating Method

I’m going to introduce you to a method called “Burned Haystack Dating.” It’s far more effective and efficient than what most people do — but before I explain it, you must understand a few things: The method was developed as a result of an academic resear...

Why modern dating is terrible

Earlier this year, I wrote a long post about dating, but truth be said, modern-day dating in the developed world is terrible, especially if you’re looking for something serious and long-term. Statistics don’t lie. The average age of marriage has risen to over 30 in most deve...

Dating Advice: Should You Marry Your Filipino Girlfriend?

Let’s say you’ve been dating your current Filipino girlfriend for about 6 months now. The romance is still going strong and you’re thinking about popping the big question. But you’re not sure just yet. One of the bigger questions in your mind is “Is my Filipino girlf...

Dating 101: Are You or Someone You Meet Ready?

There are a handful of materials on the Internet telling you what to look for in a potential partner, where to look for a partner, and how you can be the perfect person for your partner. While they are significant in helping you find the right person to be in a relationship with, these materials dis...

11 Dating Mistakes Keeping Men Single, Lonely, and Confused

Men everywhere face years-long bouts of frustration because they always seem to be pushing women away, but can’t understand why. I know this, because I used to be one of them. There were a slew of basic and simple mistakes I kept making over and over again but didn’t realize i...

Dating in the Metaverse

Itwas not the first time on a virtual reality (VR) dating app for a girl who goes by the screen name Twitchin and whose name is Naomi in real life (IRL). About five years earlier, she had met and married a Danish man in VR. But because that relationship had a “very, very messy ending,“ t...

Dating Myself Is Not Nearly as Terrible as I Thought it Would Be…..

I did not want to use my vacation time to recover from surgery, but I also did not want to lose the vacation altogether. One of the worst things about this surgery, is that it will be a month after surgery before I can go in the water again. Since hot tubbing and swimming are two of my most favorite...

What to Expect When Dating a Guy from Boston

We’ll drop more F-bombs in one conversation than most people drop in their entire lives. In Boston, most guys have a unique talent of starting and finishing a sentence with the F word — I know, it’s mind boggling. Not to mention the more we drink, the higher our rate of F-bombs per...

What I learned from dating Spanish men?!

You can get to know a foreign country on so many different levels…the food, local costumes. Getting to know the ordinary local people. Or you know, just mix it all together and date a cute local guy. Well yes, I happened to date Spanish boys. And boy did I learn quite a...

Top 5 Dating Sites of Melbourne

Melbourne, renowned for its vibrant culture, also boasts a captivating nightlife that caters to diverse tastes. As the sun sets, the city comes alive with a multitude of options. From trendy rooftop bars offering breathtaking skyline views to cozy laneway pubs exuding charm, Melbourne nigh...

Online Dating Photographer NYC — Should You Hire A Dating Profile Photographer In New York?

Most people make a mistake and assume all photographers are the same or that engagement, wedding, portrait or similar staged/planned environment photographers can take good dating profile photos — this is not the case. Dating Profile Photographer New York, Dating App Photographer NYC ...

Dating Profile Photos Bay Area, Online Dating Photographer San Francisco, San Jose

As an online dating photographer and dating coach, I love helping people feel their best, build confidence, take better photos, and get more quality dates. My clients come from all over the world to take photos w/ me, including LA, NYC, Seattle, Portland, Boston, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Lon...

I Used LinkedIn as a Dating Site, and It Worked Better Than Real Dating Sites

Iused LinkedIn as a dating site for two months. If you’re into having some dirty fun with partnered professionals and are willing to play the long game, LinkedIn is your next great dating app. You can find an affair AND the possibility of a better gig. I’m unemployed. (Attractive, rig...

Dating In San Francisco — Is San Francisco Good For Dating?

In the city where people love to complain about everything from electric scooters, to Ubers blocking bike lanes, long waits at Blue Bottle, incorrect DoorDash orders, fog, nudists, delayed MUNI lines, price of avocado toast, tech, hiking, steep hills, lack of late night cafe culture, nimby&rsqu...

Tantra speed dating (the short version)

We start with an ice-breaker exercise where everyone is given a card with a prompt. We are then sent out in the crowd to find 5 people to ask our prompt to and they are supposed to reciprocate by asking us their own prompt. Prompts are along the lines of: share your greatest achievement, what were y...

Love, Power, and the Modern Dating Maze: Lessons from ‘Sex and the City’

Non-medium members can view the article here. And just like that, this article marks the beginning of ‘I Couldn’t Help But Wonder’ — the space where we will look for the answers to each question discussed in each episode of ‘Sex and the City’, th...

25 Smart and Funny Questions To Ask on Dating Apps

We have all been there: you swipe right, they swipe right, you match. The conversation starts nicely but soon you run out of captivating things to say. Or, worse, you go down the road of asking the same old, boring questions. And that’s how you kill romance! Without it ever being born… ...

People’s “advice” tends to be very selfish (dating, sexism, and racism!)

When you realize that a lot of people’s advice to you or to your demographic in general is often not for your benefit, your happiness, or your well-being, but is instead about the self interest of the one giving or for their demographic, then the reason behind you being given the bullshit advi...

The Universe Is The Best Trans Dating Service

I so love when the universe helps clients realize they can trust it, instead of “doing”. That’s what happened this week with a client seeking love. If you’ve read some posts here before, you know I encourage readers avoid online dating. It’s costly. It rare...

Monogamy is Dying, and WOMEN are Killing It

What is happening in the dating world? A LOT of women are complaining about it. So, let’s delve into a more substantive discussion about the shifting tides in relationships, particularly monogamy, as I see it today. We can frame our conversation with some numbers first. The institution of m...

Women Are Not Dating Anymore and Men Are Pissed — Why?

In the thirty-eight years I have walked on this earth, I’ve yet to see a single woman who is happy by social standards. When a woman is independent, self-reliant, confident, and happy, she’s accused of faking happiness because no one is expected to be happy without a partner. I get...

Part I : Asian American Men & Dating: How bad is it really?

Weoften take for granted how bad Asian males have it in the dating market in the West, particularly in North America. Many cite the response rates from the OKCupid studies, and also refer to our own subjective personal experiences. And it’s understandable why they would reference these statist...

Carbon dating is not an app for old people wanting to hook up

Back in the present day, Aboriginal artifacts have been found in archeological diggings at rock escarpment shelters, and river and coastal settlement sites which have long been repeatedly and often continuously inhabited. These artifacts range from large stone tools, to finely worked stone and bone ...

Fort Ancient, Oregonia, Ohio— A UNESCO Site dating to 200BC

A memorable drive is a visit to Fort Ancient on the Miami River valley. The Fort Ancient State Memorial is on the National Register of Historic Places due to its importance in telling the story of Native cultures in America. The site contains original earthen mounds and a plateau...

The creationist argument against radiocarbon dating: why do so many ancient fossils test young according to carbon dating?

It’s a common argument made by creationists refuting radioisotope dating. There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of examples of fossils that are millions of years old, even a hundred million years old, that radiocarbon dating shows are only a few thousand years old? How does a geologist explain t...

Why Dating Apps Are So Addictive

Have you ever wondered why you can’t stop using a dating app? Or why you keep going back even after you’ve met someone you like? I’ll tell you why. Similar to major social media platforms, dating app user addiction is baked into the business model. How thrilling does it ...

Dating Death’s Middleman

It was just a simple trade at the start — partners in crime: I watch your back, and you watch mine. But it turns out my gradual loss of life is a side effect of being near you, and one you will never slow to notice. You boast of the stability you’ve gained by being with me. You ...

Pope Francis’s Dating Advice is Surprisingly Modern

Most stories do not begin in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong narrator. But here I am, an atheist in a Catholic church at some ungodly hour. The hardwood pew jabs at my spine, and the piney aroma of incense sickens me, but I cannot leave. Only the stained-glass Jesus looming above...

10 (More) Incredibly Valuable Dating Lessons I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago

Recently, I published an article on the most important dating lessons I've learned over the last decade that would've saved me a lot of time and stress. Well, I was just getting started. Because there are a lot more lessons that I learned. (I just didn't want to write ...

Why Waiting More can Increase the Probability of Dating Success

Actually, we can try to draw a square where the horizontal axis represents the time when the boy arrived at the park, and the vertical axis represents the time when the girl arrived at the park. So, the time when they arrive at the park can be represented by the points in the square. For example, th...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Eastern European Dating Culture

The cosmopolitan cities and quaint mountain villages of Eastern Europe hold many charms, and among them is the promise of adventure…and love. So if you’re one of many hopefuls who find yourself searching for The One somewhere over those vast, wintry landscapes, I can’t say that...

African Men Body Shame Lupita Nyong’o After Break-Up With Black Lover & Dating White Man

News broke recently of Nyong’o’s breakup with her Black African lover just over a month ago. Recently photos surfaced of her on a beach, with a White man identified as a South African. The photos were spread on Kenyan social media pages like wildfire, however the comments were less th...