Dating Advice: Should You Marry Your Filipino Girlfriend?

<p>Let&rsquo;s say you&rsquo;ve been dating your current Filipino girlfriend for about 6 months now. The romance is still going strong and you&rsquo;re thinking about popping the big question.</p> <p>But you&rsquo;re not sure just yet. One of the bigger questions in your mind is &ldquo;Is my Filipino girlfriend marriage material?&rdquo;</p> <p>Does she possess the personality traits you&rsquo;d want from a wife? Would she be willing to move across the ocean to move in with you back home?</p> <p>There are a couple of things you should know before you decide to marry your Filipino girlfriend.</p> <h1><strong>Your goals must align with each other</strong></h1> <p>Marriage is a serious commitment. Not only are you going to spend the rest of your life with your Filipino girlfriend, you&rsquo;re also going to have to build a life together with her.</p> <p>She may have plans to work abroad. Are you okay with that? What about having kids? Are you both ready to raise a family?</p> <p>This is a really important step you need to discuss with her before you pop the big question. It&rsquo;s even better to discuss this early on in your relationship.</p> <h1><strong>She wants you but she&rsquo;s also independent</strong></h1> <p>Being able to support her financially is great. It proves you&rsquo;re a capable provider and good husband material. But best consider a Filipino woman who has her own source of personal income. That way you&rsquo;ll know she isn&rsquo;t only into you for the money.</p> <p>Stay away from girls who complain to you about their financial struggles and ask you for money. Once you give in to her requests, there&rsquo;s a possibility she might start asking for higher amounts of money.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: advice dating