Frustrated with the Apps? Try the Burned Haystack Dating Method

<p>I&rsquo;m going to introduce you to a method called&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Burned Haystack Dating.&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>It&rsquo;s far more effective and efficient than what most people do &mdash; but before I explain it, you must understand a few things:</p> <ol> <li><strong>The method was developed as a result of an academic research project that is entirely non-monetized, non-promoted, and not-for-profit.</strong>&nbsp;I am not a &ldquo;dating coach,&rdquo; and I do not consult for monetary compensation. I am a researcher and professor who studies dating app interactions, and I moderate the&nbsp;Burned Haystack Method group on Facebook&nbsp;and&nbsp;Instagram. The group is crowd-sourced, grass-roots, and unapologetically feminist. There is no bait-and-switch: you will never have to click to another platform or pay for anything to access the information you need to apply the method. It&rsquo;s open to women and nonbinary folks who dates cisgender hetero men.</li> <li><strong>My expertise is in rhetoric and metaphor analysis.</strong>&nbsp;I teach women to use the tricks of my trades to game the dating apps. I have used the method myself, which you can read about in this article published in&nbsp;<em>The Independent</em>. I also employ a lot of humor, which is arguably more useful than my academic Ph. D. when it comes to surviving digital-era dating.</li> <li><strong>All of life is metaphorical.</strong>&nbsp;We cannot communicate, understand, or function without guiding metaphors. If you&rsquo;d like to nerd out on this topic, you can read&nbsp;my book&nbsp;or the&nbsp;much more famous book&nbsp;whose theory laid the groundwork for mine. You don&rsquo;t need to read either book to use the method, but you do need to understand the burned haystack metaphor, so let&rsquo;s do that</li> </ol> <p><a href="">Read More</a>&nbsp;</p>