Why Dating Apps Are So Addictive

<p>Have you ever wondered why you can&rsquo;t stop using a dating app? Or why you keep going back even after you&rsquo;ve met someone you like?</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll tell you why. Similar to major&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@russellweigandt/facebook-is-making-us-sick-f505325dddbd" rel="noopener">social media platforms</a>, dating app user addiction is baked into the business model.</p> <p>How thrilling does it feel to receive a like, a match, a note? You don&rsquo;t even need to know who liked or commented. It&rsquo;s a like.&nbsp;<em>Someone likes ME!</em></p> <p>I MUST therefore be&hellip;worthy, worthwhile, attractive, smart, clever, funny, cute, a winner, successful, a good picture taker, an epic prompt filler outer. Right? That other person&nbsp;<em>must</em>&nbsp;have scrutinized my entire, artfully crafted profile. Based on all of that &ldquo;intricate&rdquo; detail, they must have made a carefully calculated decision about why they see dating potential in me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mental-health-and-addictions-community/why-dating-apps-are-so-addictive-9a4e95be76f1"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: dating Apps