11 Dating Mistakes Keeping Men Single, Lonely, and Confused

<p>M<strong>en everywhere face years-long bouts of frustration because they always seem to be pushing women away, but can&rsquo;t understand why.</strong></p> <p>I know this, because&nbsp;<em>I used to be one of them.</em></p> <p>There were a slew of basic and simple mistakes I kept making over and over again but didn&rsquo;t realize it.</p> <p>Simply put &mdash; I didn&rsquo;t know what&nbsp;<em>I didn&rsquo;t know.</em></p> <p>If you&rsquo;ve fallen into similar patterns, see if any of the points below apply to your dating &ldquo;techniques&rdquo;&hellip;</p> <h1>1: You have never really learned about women.</h1> <p>Think about&nbsp;<em>any other area of life</em>&nbsp;where you want to be successful. Your career, your health and fitness, your hobbies or passions&hellip;in order to be successful, you set out to gain the knowledge and skills required.</p> <p>You dedicate your energy to&nbsp;<em>learning.</em></p> <p>Yet, when it comes to dating, we accept this narrative that &ldquo;the right person will come along&rdquo; or that it&rsquo;s best to &ldquo;just be yourself.&rdquo;</p> <p>This is lazy, passive advice from those who don&rsquo;t know what else to say.</p> <p>The truth is that the more you understand the wants, needs, and desires of the woman you are dating, the better boyfriend you&rsquo;ll be empowered to become.</p> <p>You&rsquo;ll enjoy a happier relationship with stronger communication, less drama, fewer arguments, and&nbsp;<em>more love, intimacy, respect, and excitement.</em></p> <p>You don&rsquo;t need to be a mind reader, you just need to put in a little effort.</p> <p><a href="https://jamesmsama.medium.com/11-dating-mistakes-keeping-men-single-lonely-and-confused-df27a327dff3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>