Tag: Collapse

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (25)

The first casualty of the impending collapse was political civility. There was a ready audience for maligning “Hillary” during the 2016 Presidential election campaign. Chants of “Lock her up” during Republican political rallies were common. FBI Chief, James Comey announced 11...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (26)

When I was seventeen, in 1955, my dad, working at Lockheed Aircraft, as an Upholstery Trimmer, was able to buy a modest 3 Br. house in Glendale, with a rental in the back for $12,500, 4 — 5 times his annual salary, while mom ran the household for the four of us. They had a paid for ‘...

The Plan Is There Is No Plan — We’re Supposed to “Learn to Live With” Collapse

Call it the Great Gaslighting of the 2020s. Take a glance at some of the headlines above. “Climate change obsession is a mental disorder. “Your body can build up tolerance to heat. Here’s how.” “With a few basic steps, most of us can finally ignore Covid.” “...

Why the Collapse of the Middle Class Will Get Worse

It’s not in your head. Your lifestyle is becoming more of a struggle every day. The average national salary in the United States is $59,428 in 2023. Of course you can hedge this by moving to another state where there might be better opportunities available. But even so, the cost o...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (4)

In the past 3 articles I wrote. about why we’re here, and what you can do to endure the coming changes. The shrinking population. There are 9 billion people on this Blue Marble we call Earth. That’s just not sustainable. Half live in the Areas of India, Bangladesh, and China. We wi...

The 1913 Church Street Tenement Collapse

At 8.45pm on Tuesday 2nd September 1913, while hundreds of local people were attending a show in Father Mathew Hall on Church Street, a terrible rumbling was heard across the district. Described by those attending the show as ‘resembling a cannon’s roar’, it was the signal for...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (89)

James Hansen of Columbia University in the US, published a paper with his colleagues in November, which claims temperatures are set to rise further and faster than the predictions of the Intergovern-mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In his view, the 1.5°C target is dead. Michael Mann fro...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (90)

In our changing climate weather disasters are more likely to be intense, Fires, Tornadoes and hurricanes are more destructive and dangerous. All disasters may involve injuries, wether it’s a regional event, or a motor vehicle accident. When an injury occurs, one thing that may determine wether...

5 Lessons for Investors from Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse

In Ernest Hemingway’s classic 1926 novel, The Sun Also Rises, Bill Gorton asks Mike Campbell, “How did you go bankrupt?” Campbell replies, “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” That’s what happened recently with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and its parent SVB F...

How Do We Right The Ship?

It appears the U.S. is in a nosedive, and the collapse is imminent. People on both sides of the aisle seem to be able to agree on this, although they don’t know what that collapse will look like exactly. What are the problems the nation is facing? We’ve got insanely high rental and ho...

Convoy’s Collapse appears inevitable in Retrospect

The Right Path But Wrong Turn Convoy had the right idea: focus on a large market with relatively low barriers to entry where things hadn’t changed much since the advent of email. Their solution offered transparency in pricing, which benefited carriers and shippers alike. Despite their techn...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (120)

We have laws that are in conflict with each other: laws that proclaim something must be done or else, with no else. Rules that must be respected without recourse. Principals for whitch something stands without enunciating why they are indeed Principals. The nonsense of self evidentiary truths. Th...

Our Oppositional Two-Party System is Driving Us to Ruin and Collapse

When Americans think about the United States and its system of government, probably the first thing that comes to mind is the fierce and intractable conflict between the Democrats and the Republicans. Not our wondrous ‘democracy.’ Not our vaunted tripartite government with its checks ...

The Equivalence Of Nuclear Fusion And Russian Collapse

At first glance, nuclear fusion and the much-heralded collapse of Russia under its simple-minded dictator Putin would seem to be as different as it is possible to get. Look a little deeper, however, and the similarities leap to the surface. For those who don’t pay attention to physics, nucl...

Social Media and the Effects of Context Collapse

Long before I stumbled upon the phrase “context collapse,” I witnessed the paradigm shift of younger users abandoning social media stalwarts like Facebook or Twitter for, at the time, smaller, more “artisanal” platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. Facebook soon bec...