Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (25)

<p>The first casualty of the impending collapse was political civility. There was a ready audience for maligning &ldquo;Hillary&rdquo; during the 2016 Presidential election campaign. Chants of &ldquo;Lock her up&rdquo; during Republican political rallies were common. FBI Chief, James Comey announced 11 days before the election, that the FBI was reopening the investigation into her e-mail server, in the finest tradition of Banana republics.</p> <p>The second casualty was Truth. The election of the 45th President of the United States ushered a liar into the Oval office, the highest office in our country. This isn&rsquo;t hyperbole.</p> <p>Nixon lied about his role in the politicaly motivated break-in at the Watergate Complex offices of the Democrat party headquarters. The threat of Impeachment forced him to resign from his office in disgrace on August 8, 1974.</p> <p>The country was shocked in 1985 when President Reagan lied that he had nothing to do with securing the release of American hostages by selling arms to Iran that allowed U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, in spite of our arms embargo. It nearly got him impeached.</p> <p>Our Ally&rsquo;s, even more than our enemies, must be able to rely on the Truth from our leader. Our new leader lied about everything. Thousands. of lies, in a constant stream about everthing. Our allys stopped sharing intelligence with us because he couldn&rsquo;t be trusted to keep their secrets, and he is under 41 indictment today for not keeping ours.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@janslort/our-culture-will-collapse-by-2030-25-97b78130aa71"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Collapse