The Equivalence Of Nuclear Fusion And Russian Collapse

<p>At first glance, nuclear fusion and the much-heralded collapse of Russia under its simple-minded dictator Putin would seem to be as different as it is possible to get. Look a little deeper, however, and the similarities leap to the surface.</p> <p>For those who don&rsquo;t pay attention to physics, nuclear fusion is the opposite of nuclear fission. It&rsquo;s the latter that has been used in nuclear reactors that provide us with electricity. Here, an unstable isotope of uranium is permitted to break apart under controlled conditions. When it breaks it releases a certain amount of energy that is absorbed by the coolant liquid all around it. The coolant liquid is circulated to heat water which creates steam which drives turbines which, thanks to Maxwell&rsquo;s equations of electro-magnetism,&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>