Why the Collapse of the Middle Class Will Get Worse

<p>It&rsquo;s not in your head. Your lifestyle&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;becoming more of a struggle every day.</p> <p>The average national salary in the United States is $59,428 in 2023. Of course you can hedge this by moving to another state where there might be better opportunities available. But even so, the cost of assets continues to rise, while wages remain static.</p> <p>To be specific though&hellip;&nbsp;<em>it&rsquo;s</em>&nbsp;<em>just</em>&nbsp;<em>your lifestyle&nbsp;</em>that is effected&hellip; the middle class, and those already struggling more than you. I&rsquo;m using America as an example, but the same is being seen across many countries around the world.</p> <p><a href="https://martinknapp.medium.com/why-the-collapse-of-the-middle-class-will-get-worse-365170517a6a"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>