Tag: Child

We Care More About Politics Than Child Abuse

Yesterday, I published a story about the awful state of children’s welfare in Tennessee. It’s a piece I spent three days working on, trying to help readers connect some dots and understand how truly corrupt and hypocritical our lawmakers can be. It’s easy enough to read separate...

YouTuber Ruby Franke Finally Arrested For Child Abuse. Why Did It Take Years Of People Begging For Intervention?

Every single post I’ve seen about Ruby Franke’s arrest has at least one person echoing the same sentiment in the comments. It’s always worded a little differently, but it’s something along the lines of, “I didn’t know it was THAT bad.” This makes me ...

LDS Child Abuse: thoughts on the Ruby Franke/8 Passengers arrest

A big story out of Utah this week is the arrest of and criminal charges filed against LDS Momfluencer and YouTube star Ruby Franke (2.4 million followers) and her live-in “business partner” Jodi Hildebrand on multiple accounts of intentional aggravated child abuse (against Ruby...

How to Talk to Your Child Without Making Them Feel Small

I was reminded of this sentiment when I watched the movie, “Amsterdam,” and it prompted me to reminisce about my childhood with nostalgia. The purity of emotion that children possess can be truly humbling. It made me wonder: What changes as we grow into adulthood? When do we ...

The Father I Want To Be For My Transgender Child

It was three days before Christmas when my twenty-year-old son came out to me as a transgender woman. I was in the bedroom wrapping a gift. He came in and stood against the wall across from me while I was trying to cut wrapping paper. Luckily, I don’t tend to be an overly reactive person, s...

How Climate Change and Child Marriage Unfortunately Go Hand in Hand

You might have already heard of climate change being called the ‘threat multiplier.’ It’s a phrase coined nearly two decades ago by an American federal agency to capture how it amplifies cracks, imbalances and injustices already present in current society. ...

Stop, and Think About How Your Autistic Child Feels

Recently I wrote a piece stating that we need to have more compassion for the parents of autistic kids, and I stand by that, but that doesn’t mean that parents don’t need to do some inner work and learn how to change some of their behaviors. When we act poorly as parents we need to ho...

How to Talk to Your Child Without Making Them Feel ‘Small’

I was reminded of this sentiment when I watched the movie, “Amsterdam,” and it prompted me to reminisce about my childhood with nostalgia. The purity of emotion that children possess can be truly humbling. It made me wonder: What changes as we grow into adulthood? When do we ...

Dealing with a Sulking Child? Use the Power of Art

Get up. Eat breakfast. Have fun at school. Do your homework. Take a bike ride. Read a book. Kids may not have the most difficult to-do lists, but not every day is pleasant. Even my most easy-going seven-year-old child feels low sometimes, whether it is changing friendship dynamics, irritation when t...

How to Grow Up to Become Like a Child

When I grow up, I want to be just like my 7-year-old daughter. She’s happy, full of joy and wonder, and she sees the world as a place filled with infinite possibilities. As I watch her play every day and explore the world around her without a care, I’m reminded of my childhood, when e...

A Child of Plenty

I love to see happy children enjoying as much good in life as possible. I like to see appreciative beings, sharing, loving, aware of abundance. Children trying to spread plenty amongst many is a delight. Clouding this is a disturbing trend of waste I see these days. Not just in children but...

Reflections of a Former Child Garment Worker — Inside the Sweatshop: Part 1

*Updated December 2, 2023, to break up into four smaller parts for easier reading. This was my first Medium article, so I needed to be better versed in organizing posts. Have you ever thought of clothes differently when they’re produced in America? I’m here to give you an inside sc...

Being a Child of God

Recently, I discovered that the epistle of First John is powerful. Reading it several times, I underlined words that were repeated, connected the thoughts, and correlated them with the gospel of John; thus, mining a few more nuggets of truth each time. Yet, I never got the sense that I’d got t...

I am Not a Good Mom Because My Kid Has a Disability

I really do. They usually say it in reference to my older daughter who has a disability. They usually do not have a child with a disability. I receive the comment in situations like when someone has witnessed me funnel every ounce of patience into my soul to quietly calm my kid down at a store wh...

The First Time My Child Requested a Binder…

When she was in elementary school, her same-age friends would carry her around like a doll. I don’t think they ever minded their small stature — in fact, I think being petite is now part of their identity. Just before she turned 11, my child came out as genderfluid...

What to Say if Your Child Comes Out as Trans

It can be stunning when your child has “the talk” with you to announce they’ve been questioning their gender. Maybe your child wants to change pronouns, their name, and their outward appearance. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions after such a proclamation, from fea...

The Truth About Feminism

Even in the 1970s and 1980s as a small child, I could see how the world was skewed against women and girls, and it made me mad. I never felt as if I was second to any of the men and boys around me, and I thought it was ludicrous to be treated as if I were. But being mad like that all the time is ...

There Should be Harsher Penalties for Child Abuse

Children are precious and innocent, and as the adults in their lives, it is our duty to keep them safe from harm. We trust other adults in our lives with our children’s safety, from family members, clergy, school teachers and babysitters. When that trust is betrayed and our children’s sa...

Who Gives Medical Treatment to a Nine-Year-Old Trans Child?

The child is allowed to choose their own name, pronouns, hairstyle, and clothes. They periodically check in with a psychologist to find out whether this still feels like coming home, or whether it’s last week’s craze. That’s it. That’s all they do at such a young age.&nbsp...

Dear Future Child

Just a few days ago, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court after being accused by Dr.Christine Blasey Ford of sexual assault. I’m writing this because I am aware now more than ever that I have witnessed history. Just like I asked my mom where she was when Anita Hill ...

Is Assigning a Blank Life to a Child Ethical?

As I was writing a recent article titled, “I Have Been Unknowingly Living With ADHD My Entire Life”, I composed it off the top of my head, letting words flow out of me as they came. The article was not only for my readers to gain perspective on being suddenly recognized as neurodivergent...

Psychological Manipulation in Religious Child Rearing

Religious teaching differs from other parental teaching in that some parents use religion as a means of manipulation. Having grown up in a religious family where addiction and codependency were present I witnessed the potential for manipulation in parental religious teaching first-hand. What f...

Is Assigning a Blank Life to a Child Ethical?

As I was writing a recent article titled, “I Have Been Unknowingly Living With ADHD My Entire Life”, I composed it off the top of my head, letting words flow out of me as they came. The article was not only for my readers to gain perspective on being suddenly recognized as neurodivergent...