Dear Future Child

<p>Just a few days ago, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court after being accused by Dr.Christine Blasey Ford of sexual assault. I&rsquo;m writing this because I am aware now more than ever that I have witnessed history. Just like I asked my mom where she was when Anita Hill came forward, you will inevitably learn about this, and you will want to know where I was and how I felt when I watched Dr.Ford come forward. I want to be able to tell you with utmost clarity.</p> <p>I watched the trials in the Temple of Zeus cafe at Cornell in between my classes. I cried when I heard Dr.Ford describe her experiences. I can&rsquo;t imagine the courage it takes to relive your trauma and share your most personal stories with virtually the entire world. I cried in awe of her bravery, but mostly because it makes me sad that too damn many women relate to her story and have to relive their own traumas, including myself.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Future Child