YouTuber Ruby Franke Finally Arrested For Child Abuse. Why Did It Take Years Of People Begging For Intervention?

<p>Every single post I&rsquo;ve seen about Ruby Franke&rsquo;s arrest has at least one person echoing the same sentiment in the comments. It&rsquo;s always worded a little differently, but it&rsquo;s something along the lines of,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;I didn&rsquo;t know it was THAT bad.&rdquo;</strong></p> <p>This makes me angry. And I hope after you&rsquo;ve read my POV here, it&rsquo;ll make you angry, too.</p> <p>I knew of Ruby Franke and her YouTube channel, 8 Passengers, long before she became one of the biggest headlines in the news. In fact, I started an essay about her over a year ago that has been sitting in my drafts collecting dust.</p> <p>While I am guilty of letting a lot of drafts sit until the point of obsolescence, this one has a sad reason behind it. Every time I went to finish it, I was struck with the overwhelming reality that no one would listen to my urgent plea to look closer at this abusive woman.</p> <p>Why? Because the general public is generally incapable of seeing the relevance of anything less than blood-and-guts evidence. That is, something dramatic involving visual proof, dramatic flair, or a flashy headline.</p> <p>In regards to the story of the Franke family, people seem to be shocked.&nbsp;<strong><em>&ldquo;I didn&rsquo;t know it was THAT bad&rdquo;</em></strong>&nbsp;is the cry of the general public. Didn&rsquo;t you, though?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Abuse Child