I am Not a Good Mom Because My Kid Has a Disability

<p>I really do. They usually say it in reference to my older daughter who has a disability. They usually do not have a child with a disability.</p> <p>I receive the comment in situations like when someone has witnessed me funnel every ounce of patience into my soul to quietly calm my kid down at a store where she tantrums because she wants me to buy her pencils, and I said no.</p> <p>I am also told I&rsquo;m a good mom after someone talks about taking their kid on grueling and stressful college visits and I tell them my child will graduate at the same time as their kid but she will stay in her special education classroom until she turns 21. Without saying, we both know is when their kid will graduate from college.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/modern-women/i-am-not-a-good-mom-because-my-kid-has-a-disability-79b677a73b3e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>