Is Assigning a Blank Life to a Child Ethical?

<p>As I was writing a recent article titled, &ldquo;I Have Been Unknowingly Living With ADHD My Entire Life&rdquo;, I composed it off the top of my head, letting words flow out of me as they came. The article was not only for my readers to gain perspective on being suddenly recognized as neurodivergent as a middle-aged woman, but it was also beneficial for me to take a glimpse back over the last 46 years through the lens of this new diagnosis and put some pieces of my puzzle together.</p> <p>The burning question is, how did something like aggressive ADHD go unnoticed when we know it is an affliction that manifests in childhood and carries with us through our adult years? My method in writing about it was to try and figure that out to the best of my ability and what it meant to me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Child Ethical