Tag: Case

The Case Against Relying Solely on Unit Test Coverage

The value of unit test coverage has long been controversial among software engineers. Some argue that it ensures all new code gets properly tested. Others claim that coverage is a meaningless metric that serves as a placebo more than anything. In my opinion, both sides are right. It shouldn&rs...

A Case Against Org Charts

There might be a time and place for Org Charts, but it is not needed when an organization is small. During the growth of a company, team members naturally start asking for an Organizational Chart (Org Chart). Within a small team, Org charts are more distracting or damaging than they are useful. ...

Case Study: Fulfill. Web Design and Illustration Set for 3PLs Marketplace

Welcome to review a fresh case study about the design process for another service helping businesses work more efficiently. In today’s case study, we unveil the creative story behind website design and custom illustration set the tubik agency team made for Fulfill, the marketplace wh...

69 Year Old Man Files Court Case To Change His Age

69-year-old Dutchman Emile Ratelband filed a court case in 2018 to change his age from 69 to 49. He claimed that his age increased the amount of ageism that he experienced. He also claimed that his experience on dating apps and with life in general would improve for him if he was 20 years youn...

Case Study: Care Indicator System in Mexico City

As cities grow and new needs emerge, the social, economic and gendered impact of care becomes more evident. For some years now, the concept of care has been appearing on political agendas, relatively recently though we have not yet agreed on its definition. Care is a term that characterises the acti...

What’s Pancake Collapse, Miami Surfside Building Case

How Pancake Collapse Can Be Danger. Pancake collapse is a structural collapse where the collapse occurs from the top-down as upper floors settle into lower floors of a building or other structures. Pancake collapses are dangerous, and their damage can complicate search and rescue efforts. H...

The Curious Case of the Opossum and the Orange

My wife and I enjoy watching birds, squirrels, and rabbits in our backyard. Sometimes, bald eagles and hawks soar overhead. We occasionally even spot coyotes or red foxes wandering through our urban neighborhood. But the latest visitors, a pair of opossums, have taken up residence and caught us by s...

An Optimistic Case for the Future of Humanity

Humanity is in a midlife crisis. It might not be a bad thing. Here’s the logic. In the same way that our early adult lives are spent climbing a ladder and elbowing competitors out of the way, the human species has spent the past several thousand years engaged in a constant internecine battl...

I’m Not Your Charity Case

Has anyone ever been congratulated for saying “hello” to you? I swear to God I have seen people close to earning their sainthood just by standing within 10 feet of me. They deserve it, though. They are so selfless and so brave for spending any time or air on me. I ...

Compilation of Diversity & Inclusion “Business Case” Research Data

1990: Harvard Business Review published “From Affirmative Action to Affirming Diversity” in which it stated, “In business terms, a diverse work force is not something your company ought to have; it’s something your company does have, or soon will have. Learning to manage that...

Meet the Winners and Top Performers of WeSolv’s Latest Pinterest Case Challenge

After 3 weeks of extensive industry and product research, attending virtual office hours with Pinterest Sales leaders, and strategizing, teams submitted recorded oral and deck presentations to be evaluated by an objective scorecard by WeSolv subject matter experts. The top 10 scoring teams were then...

The Case for Privilege — Why Being Privileged is Not a Bad Thing

The word “privilege” has taken on a negative connotation in today’s society. It can be challenging to have a constructive dialogue about it when people are quick to label others as “bad.” But what exactly is privilege? And why is it seen as a bad thing? Webster&rs...

Busted: The Case of John List

On December 7th, 1971, police in Westfield, New Jersey received a call from the concerned neighbors of the List family. According to the report, the house’s lights had been on all day and night for almost a month with no sign of anyone inside. When responding to the initial reports, police che...

Charges in Ballard Case

“Pursuant to CrR 2.2(b)(2)(ii), the State requests that bail be set at $750,000, as was set at the probable cause hearing, based on the likelihood that the defendant will commit a violent offense. This was a senseless and shocking shooting in broad daylight near Ballard High School. The defend...

7 Felony Charges in Bellevue Case

The charged conduct in this case began at approximately 4:18 a.m. on September 23, 2023, when Bellevue Police Officer Manns caught the defendant committing a burglary in progress at a Bellevue dealership. The defendant bolted from Officer Manns and retreated further into the building, where he then ...

Clerk Case Study: Clifford v. Trump

Bloomberg recently reported that Stephanie Clifford (aka “Stormy Daniels”) has a new judge. For those who haven’t been following the news, Clifford, an adult film star, recently sued President Trump in Los Angeles Superior Court. She is seeking to dissolve a non-disclosur...

The harm that data do: The case of PredPol.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has a longstanding reputation for the use of technology in policing practices. Indeed, in 2010, the LAPD was actively involved, along with researchers at UCLA, in the development of PredPol: an algorithmic, place-based predictive policing system designed...

The Biggest Legal Case of Our Lifetime is Going on Right Now in Washington, D.C.! By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 1/9/2024.

Turn on your T.V. Watch! Trump’s lawyer, D (Dean) John Sauer, is defending Trump in the D.C. Court Appeals this very minute as to whether Trump had/has blanket immunity for “everything” that happened while he was in office. Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s entire two cases ...

Everything you need to know about the Chestnut Hill College discrimination case

The drama unfolded after a theatrical performance of “A Raisin in the Sun,” orchestrated by a senior classman in 2012. Student Allan-Michael Meads, scheduled to graduate in May of 2012, collaborated with the African American Awareness Society to produce the event. Meads financed the proj...

Revolutionize your immigration journey with Lawfully Case Status Tracker!

Revolutionize your immigration journey with Lawfully Case Status Tracker!  Track and dissect your USCIS and NVC case effortlessly using our cutting-edge app. Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly checking the USCIS website — we’ve got you covered! Elevate your immigration exper...

The No Case is Full of Nothing But No Hopers

I walked past an anti-the Voice to Parliament No vote rally that was being held outside the Victorian State Parliament House building yesterday morning. I was with a young American friend, who was understandably nowhere near as emotionally perturbed as I was. To me, the No supporters seemed to be ra...

I’m Asking A Higher Power for Help with Dr. LePera’s case: Dr. Ramani on Narcissistic Abuse and ICSA for Subtleties in Organizational Control

Its time to elevate further and bring in a new round of experts to assess. I’ve emailed Dr. Ramani Durvusala and ICSA for guidance and expertise in these matters and presented them with these findings. The issues at stake are important enough that we need to continue to elevate this. Its not c...

The Politics of Archaeology: Palestine as a Capsule Case Study

The story I am telling today is the latest stop in a journey in the world of archaeological reporting, where dreams might become nightmares. It comes from a very normal day at work but refers to a place where nothing is normal. To be precise, let me tell you what I do for a living. I work as an edit...

Bootstrapping Case study: Profiling internet offenders

As part of his work, he has to profile internet offenders from their digital records. Basically, he gets data on suspect’s internet history. Each row is a website the suspect has visited. Each of these websites is flagged — either sexual or not. Based on this data, he has to profile if t...

Nykaa beauty app redesign case study

When I first started searching for some app to redesign for my design portfolio, I started looking up all kinds of startups in India and their apps. After enough searching, I figured it was best to redesign something that I’ve already used and have experienced. That’s when I decided I wo...