Charges in Ballard Case

<p><em>&ldquo;Pursuant to CrR 2.2(b)(2)(ii), the State requests that bail be set at $750,000, as was set at the probable cause hearing, based on the likelihood that the defendant will commit a violent offense. This was a senseless and shocking shooting in broad daylight near Ballard High School. The defendant followed behind the victim on the sidewalk and shot at him five times, striking the victim three times in the back.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>As of this writing, the defendant remains in the King County Jail on the $750,000 bail requested by King County prosecutors and set by the court. This is the only case involving this individual that&rsquo;s been referred to the King County Prosecuting Attorney&rsquo;s Office.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ballard Case