Tag: California

10 California Cops Arrested for Racism, Corruption, and Civil Rights Violations

Ten members of Antioch and Pittsburg, California law enforcement were charged in a federal investigation into corruption. The probe found that the officers had also committed civil rights violations, fraud, and lying on police reports to cover up the use of excessive force, according to Ismail J. Ra...

California and Buenos Aires: The most eventful big city destinations

When you talk about big cities out of the ordinary, it is often the northern hemisphere that comes into play. Cities like Paris, New York, Tokyo and Shanghai often run away with the titles as the best big cities to experience. But the southern hemisphere has plenty to o...

I’ve Moved to California!

I moved to Los Angeles in July 2020. It was such a dream come true. It is now November 2023 and it has been 3 ½ years living in LA. Life has been crazy, but my life has always been crazy so it’s felt normal and exciting at the same time. I can’t believe I actually moved out here. ...

What I wish I’d known when I moved to Los Angeles

I heard that song for the first time on a beautifully brisk Los Angeles day in February 2016 while waiting outside to meet a manager for dinner. What the manager didn’t know was that this trip’s mission was not just to meet with clients and colleagues; it was to decide if Los Angeles was...

The Planet of California

I’m a native Californian, born and raised in paradise. The weather along our more than 3,000 miles of tidal coastline is spectacular practically every day. The Sierra Mountains are our border sentinels, over 14,000 feet at their peaks, stretching 400 miles long of pristine wilderness to world-...

Nobody Drives in LA — The California Cycleway

If, like me, you ride a bicycle in Los Angeles, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard of the fabled California Cycleway — an elevated, wooden bicycle tollway that existed for an all-too-brief moment at the dawn of the 20th Century — before the ...

How to get an Apostille in Los Angeles California

Getting document ِِِApostilled in the State of California is an easy process that anyone can do it just by going to the Secretary of State office in Los Angeles. Stop being a victim to overpriced Apostille service and obtain Apostille by yourself. It will only cost you $26.00 per document, t...

How to Make the Most of a Week in… Southern California

After spending the last 8 years regularly going on solo travels, I like to think that I have a pretty good take on how to prioritize experiencing the best a place has to offer. This particular corner of the world that millions of people flock to every year is the one I called home for 26 years. Here...

The Planet of California

I’m a native Californian, born and raised in paradise. The weather along our more than 3,000 miles of tidal coastline is spectacular practically every day. The Sierra Mountains are our border sentinels, over 14,000 feet at their peaks, stretching 400 miles long of pristine wilderness to world-...

How Global Warming Impacts Me in Oakland, California

It’s been months since it rained in Oakland, California. Months and months and months. The last time it rained was in April and now it’s November. Today I woke up and the light coming through the top of my blackout curtains looked a little gray. I was excited. I got up and...

California Demands an End to San Francisco’s Housing Double Standard

The report has 18 “required actions with implementation timeframes,” as well as an extra 10 “recommended actions.” Among the imperatives is this one: SF must “eliminate the use of ‘neighborhood character’ and ‘neighborhood compatibility’ terminol...

Gymnogyps? Gymno-Get a Grip! What’s the Deal with California Condors?

If you live anywhere in the American Southwest, chances are you’ve heard of the elusive California Condor. Even if you’re an East-coaster or a Midwesterner (if you’re not currently lost in the corn) news may have crossed your feeds once or twice about their current status. Who care...

Birding in the Winter Wetlands of Central California

There are vast flat lands in California’s San Joaquin Valley west of Merced, California, where the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service maintains about 45,000 acres of habitat for migrating birds using the north-south Pacific Flyway. A visitor center north of Los Banos, CA offers guidance on us...

I Know Where You Can Buy A House In California For $255,000

Okay, I kinda fell in love with Claremont, California, after recently attending their October Home Tour. I learned a lot about Claremont’s artistic history and how it embraced “California Scene Painting” (a regional style of painting developed by a group of American ...

Government-Sanctioned Segregation Still Defines California Cities

However, by the end of the WWII boom, racist federal housing policies eventually led to white flight and disinvestment of West Oakland. Under the guise of “urban renewal”, Oakland city urban planners undertook projects with funding from the Housing Act of 1949 with the goal of “red...

How to Take the California Bar Exam Without Law School in 5 Steps

The second way is to study at an unaccredited law school. An unaccredited law school is a correspondence, distance-learning, or fixed facility law school operating in California that is not accredited by the Committee. Correspondence and Distance-Learning Law School requires 864 hours o...

Is It Legal to Marry Your Cousin in California? Exploring the Legalities and Social Stigma

Inmany cultures, marrying a cousin is considered taboo or even illegal. However, in some places, it is perfectly legal and socially acceptable. In California, there is a certain level of ambiguity surrounding the legality of marrying your cousin. In this article, we will explore the legalities and s...

California Remains Number One In Cargo Theft For The Year 2022

CargoNet, a cargo theft prevention and recovery network released new data encompassing 2022 supply chain theft incidents with a recorded 1,778 supply chain events across the United States and Canada in 2022, an increase of 15% from 2021. They estimate $223 million in cargo was stolen across all thef...

Appeals Court Allows California Ban on Guns in Most Public Places to Take Effect

In the chaotic ballet of jurisprudence where the pirouettes and grand jetés of legislation and constitutionality blend in a mesmerizing spectacle comes the latest leap from the Ninth Circuit: the allowing of California’s broad gun ban in public spaces, an arena now set to become the Col...

Judge Temporarily Blocks California Firearms Law

Right narrative, as provided by PJ Media. Democrats are constantly trying to find ways around laws they don’t like — even if that means writing new, unconstitutional laws. The Supreme Court in its Bruen decision set the standard gun laws have to meet to withstand a challenge, yet Ca...

Restoring Common Sense to California

California has problems — from drought to fires, to a bankrupt pension system, to crises of housing, homelessness and unemployment. The only “solutions” our politicians have offered are more regulations, higher taxes, and the declaration of a permanent state of emergency. The bi...

Is California Ready For A Black Governor?

The race for California Governor is getting underway. And it’s time to start paying attention. You might not have noticed this race, because our national attention is focused squarely on the 2024 Presidential election. But California’s next governor in will be chosen in 2026. This, to...

Skeletons and Laundry: Brentwood, California (1)

I’ve always been told I should write about my life. Since second grade, I kept a diary, but it was to help me vent my anger, confusion and pain. Initially, I began writing this food reflection while I saw a therapist. Later, I decided to share it with others for them to see how I made my way o...

California Woman: Bryn Spejcher, Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Leads to 108 Fatal Stabbing of her Date

In May 2018, a tragic incident occurred in Thousand Oaks, California, when Bryn Spejcher fatally stabbed her boyfriend, Chad O’Melia, during what was described as a “cannabis-induced psychosis.” The shocking nature of the crime and the circumstances surrounding it have garnered sig...

California or Colorado: Who Does Weed Better?

I went to sleep one Thursday night feeling a tad adventurous. When I awoke the next morning, I didn’t quite realize the extent of that feeling. As I rolled out of bed preparing for my work day, I decided to go for it. I wanted to make the 15-hour drive to Colorado. My travels between L.A...

TREAT California: the Manhattan Project of psychedelics

The TREAT Institute would then finance the Californian psychedelic industry from drug development to therapy, and would take equity in the companies it backs, with the goal of providing access to psychedelic therapy for all Californians. It has already got the support of many big hitters in the w...

U.S. State Names that Come from Spanish

There are two explanations for the origin of the name Arizona: either from árida zona, meaning arid zone in Spanish, or from a Spanish word of Basque origin that means The Good Oak. California To find the origin of California, we should recall the name of a ...