Skeletons and Laundry: Brentwood, California (1)

<p><em>I&rsquo;ve always been told I should write about my life. Since second grade, I kept a diary, but it was to help me vent my anger, confusion and pain. Initially, I began writing this food reflection while I saw a therapist. Later, I decided to share it with others for them to see how I made my way out of such a chaotic and toxic life. I hope anyone who reads this will find their way out, too. This is not for the members of my family. They will not like what is in this book. Shit, I don&rsquo;t even like what&rsquo;s in here. However, it is necessary for me to write this so that I could safely relieve my past, acknowledge it and begin healing as much as possible. Therefore, I can be in the present moment and love my life rather than consciously letting my past hold me back from living the life I truly want to live.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>