What I wish I’d known when I moved to Los Angeles

<p>I heard that song for the first time on a beautifully brisk Los Angeles day in February 2016 while waiting outside to meet a manager for dinner. What the manager didn&rsquo;t know was that this trip&rsquo;s mission was not just to meet with clients and colleagues; it was to decide if Los Angeles was the right place for me to live. While I had already made up my mind earlier in the trip, I like to say this serendipitous song was the sign I needed to confirm my decision to move west.</p> <p>Seven years ago, after copious planning and preparation, I became a California resident. And while I felt as prepared for my move as I could have been, the first few years were a huge adjustment. Now, I can&rsquo;t see my life without Southern California being a part of it, but that wasn&rsquo;t the case in the beginning. While anyone moving to LA will be told that the traffic is bad, the beaches are gorgeous, and the valley is hot, I wanted to share some lesser known aspects of California life that I wish I had known sooner.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thezachgray/what-i-wish-id-known-when-i-moved-to-los-angeles-28a99a7bcb55"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: California