Appeals Court Allows California Ban on Guns in Most Public Places to Take Effect

<p>In the chaotic ballet of jurisprudence where the pirouettes and grand jet&eacute;s of legislation and constitutionality blend in a mesmerizing spectacle comes the latest leap from the Ninth Circuit: the allowing of California&rsquo;s broad gun ban in public spaces, an arena now set to become the Coliseum for the clash between Second Amendment purists and safety crusaders.</p> <p>Seems like yesterday &mdash; though in reality it was this past Monday &mdash; that the legal banshees of the Golden State were halted in their tracks, stymied by the vigilant eye of Judge Cormac Carney, who wielded his legal saber like a valiant knight declaring, &ldquo;Not on my watch!&rdquo; But his trenchant decree, which found the ban downright offensive to the venerable Second Amendment, was itself paused. The Ninth Circuit, in its infinite judicial acrobatics, has enacted a stay, basically telling the gun law to go ahead and strut its stuff for the time being.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: California Ban