Is California Ready For A Black Governor?

<p>The race for California Governor is getting underway. And it&rsquo;s time to start paying attention.</p> <p>You might not have noticed this race, because our national attention is focused squarely on the 2024 Presidential election. But California&rsquo;s next governor in will be chosen in 2026. This, too, is an election of national importance. It&rsquo;s worthy of your attention regardless of what state you live in.</p> <p>2026 might seem like a long way off- but it&rsquo;s not. In election terms it&rsquo;s just around the corner. It takes years for a candidate for national office to build up the momentum for a general election. And make no mistake- the position of California Governor is a national office.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>