Gymnogyps? Gymno-Get a Grip! What’s the Deal with California Condors?

<p>If you live anywhere in the American Southwest, chances are you&rsquo;ve heard of the elusive California Condor. Even if you&rsquo;re an East-coaster or a Midwesterner (if you&rsquo;re not currently lost in the corn) news may have crossed your feeds once or twice about their current status. Who cares? Certainly not me, but they made me write this anyway. Actually, many people are still concerned about this majestic giant and you should be, too!</p> <p>So.. what IS a California Condor? Well, first of all, don&rsquo;t believe what they tell you about chickens being the closest thing to a dinosaur these days. The canyons of the West are a real-life Jurassic Park these days. This 26-pound bird with a whopping 9.8-foot wingspan might as well be a Pterodactyl. These massive birds can live up to sixty years but were routinely taken out by power lines (so big they&rsquo;d touch both lines) and DDT. Luckily, scientists and conservationists stepped up just in time. Wondering how these giants can thrive in the hottest part of the United States? What, you don&rsquo;t pee on your own legs to keep cool? Boooring. Thankfully, condors also bathe frequently so it&rsquo;s really not that big of a deal. Slay, girl.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>