Tag: Books

Top 10 Tech Books of All Time

Explore the definitive list of the top 10 tech books that have shaped the technology landscape and inspired generations of tech enthusiasts, developers, and entrepreneurs. In a rapidly evolving world of technology, understanding the foundations, innovations, and thought processes that have driven...

What you won’t learn from books about data and decision-making

My community has been asking me for a reading list of my favorite books about decision-making, data science, and decision intelligence, so here are the fruits of my attempt to compile some recommendations for you. Photo by the author. I’d love to suggest one great book for ...

10 Life-Changing Books Every Developer Should Read

Asa developer, reading books can be a great way to expand your knowledge, improve your skills, and gain new perspectives. Here are 10 more life-changing books every developer should read:   #1 The Phoenix Project A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win By Gene Kim, Kevi...

What you won’t learn from books about data and decision-making

My community has been asking me for a reading list of my favorite books about decision-making, data science, and decision intelligence, so here are the fruits of my attempt to compile some recommendations for you. Photo by the author. I’d love to suggest one great book for ...

How to read more security + engineering books

Ever since I wrapped up writing my own book back in 2021, I’ve been trying to learn more broadly about other domains in security and software engineering. A lot of the learning came from ad-hoc googling, but I feel like one of the best ways to gain a solid foundation of a topic is to read a...

Best Books for Software Engineering Leaders

Being a Software Engineer these days is extremely challenging — technology is moving faster than ever and sometimes it can be a struggle to keep up! New technology options spring up daily and there is an ever growing number of learning platforms to choose from. I personally find that newer ...

11 Books That Will Make You Rich.

If you want to become a more successful entrepreneur, increase your networth, understand how the global markets work, or develop useful skills that differentiate the 1% from the rest then this list of books is for you. I hope reading these books will help you just as much as they helped me. ...

10 Best Productivity Books You Must Read in 2023

Are you looking for ways to improve your productivity in the coming year? Look no further than these ten books, carefully selected to provide you with the inspiration and tools you need to reach your goals and accomplish more in 2023. From time management to mindset shifts, these books offer a range...

4 Must-Read Books That Will Transform Your Perspective and Life

In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions abound and daily routines often leave little room for introspection, the refuge found within the pages of a well-crafted book is a treasure worth cherishing. The transformative power of literature is undeniable, as it has the ability to provid...

5 Nonfiction Books That Taught Me More Than My College Degree …

Although I enjoyed college, I can now see that the education I gained there didn’t really benefit me in the real world. Those textbooks don’t provide me with the information or tools I need to get by in life or make wise decisions. Later, I understood that education doesn’t end ...

10 Books Everyone Starts but That No One Finishes

In 2014, a mathematician named Jordan Ellenberg calculated which books were the most “unfinished of all time” using Amazon Kindle data. He named his index the Hawking Index in honor of Stephen Hawking whose book A Brief History of Time was one the most unfinished books ever ...

17 Books you can read in one go

Weall love a good book that can transport us to different worlds and make us forget about our worries for a while. Sometimes, we don’t have the luxury of time to devote to lengthy novels that require days or even weeks to complete. That’s where the beauty of short, gripping books comes i...

Reading Italy: Four Books You Can’t Miss

There is no better way to learn about a new culture than by reading its literature. Books teach us about history, values, religion, politics, legal systems, family structures, careers, struggles, successes, advantages, and disadvantages, all through the simple trick of presenting us with the life of...

Why Every Adult Should Read Children’s Books

“In a hurry to take revenge, Blacky quickly jumped in the drum filled with hot molten bitumen…” “Wow! That’s dark for a children’s magazine,” I mused in startled silence. My adult brain’s imagination went into overdrive — ear-bleeding yowl...

12 Tiny Habits That Help Me Read 90+ Books A Year

“I love reading but I can’t find time to start a book.” If that’s something you’ve heard yourself saying for a while now, it’s time to shift your mindset. As someone who reads 90+ books a year, I’ve understood that building a daily reading habit doesn&...

Why Books Should Never Be Banned

I keep hearing about certain books being banned in libraries and schools, especially in the USA. It made me raise an eyebrow when I heard of popular fiction being removed from the shelves due to content such as witchcraft and LGBTQ material. It would be fine if it were inappropriate material wh...

10 Books Everyone Starts but That No One Finishes

In 2014, a mathematician named Jordan Ellenberg calculated which books were the most “unfinished of all time” using Amazon Kindle data. He named his index the Hawking Index in honor of Stephen Hawking whose book A Brief History of Time was one the most unfinished books ever ...

The Joy of Reading: How Books Enrich Our Lives

In the age of smartphones, social media, and non-stop notifications, there’s a timeless and simple pleasure that continues to captivate hearts and minds: the joy of reading books. Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash It’s an activity that transcends generati...

The Joy of Reading: How Books Enrich Our Lives

It’s an activity that transcends generations, cultures, and technological advances, offering a refuge from the relentless pace of modern life. Whether you’re a voracious reader who devours novels like a delicious meal or someone who occasionally savours the words of a good book, you&rsqu...

5 User-Friendly Books to Read And Implement

Books have always been my friend. It has given me direction, knowledge, and guidance on asking for help. I don’t believe books are the only way to get wisdom. Instead, books serve as a friendly-guides, directing you toward the individuals who can provide the specific help you need. Once ...

10 Best Books That will Improve Your Focus & Productivity

Improving focus and productivity is a common goal for many people. Reading books on this topic can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve these objectives. Here are 10 of the best books that can help you improve your focus and productivity: “Deep Work: Rules for Focuse...

I Have 4,000 Books Left to Read Before I Die

Since 2010, I’ve read exactly 992 books. If it takes me almost fifteen years to read a thousand, I optimistically have another 4,000 books ahead of me in my lifetime. The first time someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I answered, “I want to be happy,” which both...

5 Nonfiction Books That Taught Me More Than My College Degree …

Although I enjoyed college, I can now see that the education I gained there didn’t really benefit me in the real world. Those textbooks don’t provide me with the information or tools I need to get by in life or make wise decisions. Later, I understood that education doesn’t end ...

10 Recommended Books by Andrew Huberman I’m Kicking Myself for Not Reading Sooner

Interested in expanding your horizons? Are you still on the hunt for game-changing information? Yes? But worried about where to find the knowledge to transform your life. Don’t worry. You are not alone on this journey of self-exploration. Many of us are curious about unlocking o...

How to read more security + engineering books

Ever since I wrapped up writing my own book back in 2021, I’ve been trying to learn more broadly about other domains in security and software engineering. A lot of the learning came from ad-hoc googling, but I feel like one of the best ways to gain a solid foundation of a topic is to read a...

5 User-Friendly Books to Read And Implement

Books have always been my friend. It has given me direction, knowledge, and guidance on asking for help. I don’t believe books are the only way to get wisdom. Instead, books serve as a friendly-guides, directing you toward the individuals who can provide the specific help you need. Once ...

The 12 best productivity books for creatives

Most productivity systems don’t work for creatives. The truth is, from the outside, a lot of things we do don’t simply look like work at all. We need time we can ‘waste’, spaces where we’re allowed to be inefficient and unproductive. We need to play and explore, to d...

12 Essential Books for Leaders Who Coach

There are a lot of great books out there for leaders interested in adding coaching skills to their leadership practice. The 12 books below are the best place to start, but if you’d like a full and up-to-date list of coaching books for leaders, check out the Leader as Coach Library. Dif...

19 Best Books On Leadership To Become A Leader

Leadership is an essential skill that someone can acquire through knowledge, experience, and continuous learning. If you want to be a better leader and are looking to refine your leadership abilities then the right information can be useful for your success. You can read many leadership books ...

5 Things You Will Never Learn From Management Books

While management books offer valuable insights and strategies, true leadership and management skills extend beyond the pages. Ten years ago, when I was starting in a team lead position, I wanted to know everything about the subject as fast as possible, so I started reading all the books I could g...

Q&A: Writer Ed Brubaker on Making Crime Pay and Protecting Your Voice in Comic Books and Hollywood (Part 1 of 2)

When Ed Brubaker’s name showed up in the comments section of my Substack, the art junky in me screamed. The multi-hyphenate storyteller — who has won more Eisners than I feel like counting — has been a part of my creative life since I first discovered his semi-autographical...

The Art & Politics of Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Tucked in between San Diego Comic-Con in July and New York Comic Con in October is National Comic Book Day on September 25th — an excuse (as if one were needed) to indulge in rereading old favorites and discovering new friends. It’s also a great day for those unfamiliar with them to dip ...

Q&A: Writer Ed Brubaker on Making Crime Pay and Protecting Your Voice in Comic Books and Hollywood (Part 2)

I can’t imagine there are many people in the world who would argue with the assertion that Ed Brubaker is one of the greatest comic book writers of all time. For a quarter-century, his work on creator-owned crime comic books and superhero series has inspired readers, influenced count...

7 Must-Know Tips for Investing in Comic Books

I love collecting and reading comic books. I love the world-building, the artwork, the incredibly complex and deep characters, and the story arcs. In ancient times, the heroic sagas were the Epic of Gilgamesh or the many Greek and Norse mythologies and epics. Now, we have modern-day myths and heroes...

4 Illustrated Books Film Fans Will Appreciate

Most people would know Shrek from the 2001 Dreamworks animated film series. The story of the belligerent green ogre and his band of misfits has made an indelible mark in our cultural imagination with its satirical retelling of classic fairytale tropes. But what some may not know is that the origi...

4 Cities and their underrated books

Whenever I want to visit a place, I like to prepare by watching movies or reading books about it. Finding the right material can, however, be tricky. When you, for example, google “the best books set in New York”, “must-read + New York” and “Best Books to Read Before...

I’ve lugged my books through nine moves — I can’t leave them behind

Over the past 15 years, I have moved nine times. Nearly all of these transitions were made at the request of my employer, which meant someone else bore the brunt of the financial cost. But the toll of such frequent change cannot be reduced to mere dollars and cents. All this physical upheaval has la...

The Smell of Old Books & Intriguing Tales: A Trip to Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland

The smell of old books and intriguing tales wafted through the quiet room. Some where and at some time, every page had been turned. Trinity College Library Collage by Betsy Beier, Wanderlust Designer For any book lover, a visit to Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland is a p...

The 8 Best Books on Buddhism You Need To Read in 2023

My ancestors from Japan brought their Buddhist beliefs and practices to California in the 1800s. As a fourth-generation Japanese American, those traditions have now been passed down to me. But I have also come to see them as more than just distant inheritances from my great-grandparents. The Budd...

Five No-Nonsense, Easy to Read Books on Buddhism for Beginners

Buddhism, a tradition as timeless as it is geographically diverse, offers invaluable lessons on understanding ourselves and finding peace within. For those just beginning to explore its depths, the sheer volume of Buddhist texts can seem daunting. Here are five straightforward and engaging books ...

Twelve Essential Jewish Books to Inspire Your Mind and Uplift Your Soul

The Jewish people have been called the people of the book. But how can we access that timeless knowledge? One simple step in communing with the expanse of Jewish wisdom is build a Jewish library of your own. Fill your home with books that make you a little higher. Not to stand on, or reach wit...

Books, Bombs, and Betrayals

l can’t get the al-Azhar University airstrike footage¹ out of my head. I keep thinking about what that means to me as a Jew when I say that "Israel" and Zionism are inherently unJewish². It's far from the only example. But it's a very good one. Every Jew...

5 Powerful Books On Zen Buddhism to Gain a New Perspective on Life

Inspired by the teachings, Jobs attended several of Suzuki’s lectures. The founder of Apple even found himself his own Zen master, Kobun Otogawa. It is this practice of Zen and meditation that is often credited as being the secret to Jobs’s ability to focus and approach things from a new...

The Magic of Books: A Bit of Inspiration for 2024

I know of a gifted man who has a “book-a-day” habit. I’m envious. Assuming our lifespans are equal, he’ll get to thousands more books than me. He’ll experience the wonder of finding his very own feelings and thoughts put into words by strangers, even emotions and ideas ...

Why Scholastic Book Fair is Changing Course on Diversity

The Scholastic Book Fair has thrown down the gauntlet in the national censorship debate. Okay, so they didn't actually drop a medieval glove on the ground or call for a duel, but they are challenging the conservative censorship crusade. In a letter, the educational company expressed its int...

BANNED: An Asian American Reading List of Banned Books in 2023

Inthe last two years alone, local and legislative efforts to implement book bans in classrooms and libraries have grown exponentially: According to PEN America, a free speech organization, there were 1,477 individual book ban cases in the fall 2022 semester alone — a 28% increase fro...

Why Scholastic Book Fair is Changing Course on Diversity

The Scholastic Book Fair has thrown down the gauntlet in the national censorship debate. Okay, so they didn't actually drop a medieval glove on the ground or call for a duel, but they are challenging the conservative censorship crusade. In a letter, the educational company expressed its int...

My Top 3 Books of 2023

I think, as a species, we have a desire to believe that we’re living at the climax of the story. It’s a kind of narcissism. We want to believe that we’re uniquely important, that we’re living at the end of history, that now, after all these millennia of false alarms, now is f...

3 Good Books I Read In January

I was scanning the bookshelves at my aunt’s house over the holidays when I discovered this gem. She said if I liked Where The Crawdads Sing, I’d love this one, and she was right because I loved this book! I mean I really loved this book. It's set in the swamps of Mississipp...

Top 5 Neuroscience Books to read in 2024 that Changed my Life

This book is about memory and its myths. Rodrigo Quiroga is a recognized Argentinian neuroscientist known to have discovered the “Jennifer Aniston” neurons, named concept cells. These are neurons that “fire” when a person sees an object that represents a concept. By show...

Reading Books Is Useless: Here’s a Better Way to Read

I love to read books. I always spend some time just sitting down and reading; it doesn’t matter how many pages I read or how long. I just stay still and read. When I really can’t use paper books, I use ebooks as an alternative. Wherever I read, especially in a cafe, it really helps...

Most Powerful Forbidden Books of all Time

Grimoires have long fascinated those drawn to the mysterious. These books, filled with ancient spells, rituals, and summoning practices, serve as a bridge between our world and the realms beyond. They are believed to hold the keys to vast occult knowledge, offering insights into divination, the...

10 Best Academic Books About The Nuances of Good and Evil

Moral anthropology is a field of study that examines the ways in which moral values, beliefs, and practices are formed, expressed, and understood within different cultural contexts. It explores the intersection of culture, ethics, and human behavior, seeking to understand how moral systems are shape...

Writing? Art? Magic? Kids’ Books Aren’t Just for Kids

Melissa Dassori, J. R. Silver Writes Her World (Little, Brown, 2022). There was a glorious if brief phase in my kids’ growing up when on a long car trip, we would listen to audiobooks — not through our individual headphones, but together, through the car stereo system. No...