10 Books Everyone Starts but That No One Finishes

<p>In 2014, a mathematician named Jordan Ellenberg calculated which books were the most &ldquo;unfinished of all time&rdquo; using Amazon Kindle data.</p> <p>He named his index the Hawking Index in honor of Stephen Hawking whose book&nbsp;<em>A Brief History of Time&nbsp;</em>was one the most unfinished books ever written.</p> <p>Here are 10 other books no one ever finishes.</p> <h1>1. Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0374533555" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Source</a></p> <p>Daniel Kahneman&rsquo;s masterpiece is a popular scientific account of his (and his friend Amos Tversky)&rsquo;s discovery of more than a hundred psychological biases.</p> <p>Ever heard of&nbsp;<strong>loss aversion</strong>? This bias describes the phenomenon of experiencing more pain when we lose something than experiencing pleasure when we gain the same thing.</p> <p>It was discovered by Kahneman.</p> <p><strong>Anchoring&nbsp;</strong>(relying on the first piece of information we get), the&nbsp;<strong>endowment effect</strong>&nbsp;(people value things more when they own them), the&nbsp;<strong>framing effect</strong>&nbsp;(people make a decision based on issue framing), or the&nbsp;<strong>hindsight bias</strong>&nbsp;are all heuristics tested and found by Kahneman.</p> <p>But voila. The book takes a massive 13 hours to read, and it&rsquo;s fairly slow.</p> <p>Kahneman could have written something 10 times shorter and still as interesting.</p> <p>Of all of the people who began the book, only 7% finished it.</p> <p><a href="https://baos.pub/10-books-everyone-starts-but-that-no-one-finishes-7f016cfdb042">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Books Finishes