Tag: Beyond

My Journey into TypeScript: Exploring the Basics and Beyond

In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying ahead of the curve is essential. One of the tools that has gained remarkable traction is TypeScript. As someone passionate about coding, I am currently embarking on a journey to learn TypeScript, starting from the basics and gradually delving in...

Beyond Accuracy: Embracing Serendipity and Novelty in Recommendations for Long Term User Retention

A Bond of Trust Formed at a Coffee Shop You’re sitting in a coffee shop, savoring your favorite coffee variation (a cappuccino, of course) and engrossed in conversation with a friend. As the conversation flows, the topic shifts to the latest gripping TV series that you both have been h...

From Networks of Computers to Network Computers — and Beyond

In a documentary released in 1990, Steve Jobs tells a story that he would return to repeatedly over the course of his career: I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion fo...

Beyond Busyness: The True Measure of Productivity

I can’t call a person a hard worker just because I hear they read and write, even if working at it all night. Until I know what a person is working for, I can’t deem them industrious…. I can if the end they work for is their own ruling principle, having it be and remain in const...

Beyond Clocks and Calendars: A New Look at How We Track Time

Perhaps you’ve never truly thought about how we keep time. It’s fundamentally everlastingly been there, incorporated into the outer layer of your days, weeks and years. Notwithstanding, timekeeping has a lot of experiences as expanded and distorting as the tickers and schedules themselve...

The Delicate Art of Cherishing Intimate Moments Beyond Ambitions

The Subtle Erosion of Intimacy Last week I had an epiphany: I’ve been neglecting intimacy. It’s been about 4 months. It’s not just about the amorous moments. It’s about presence, cuddles, and those silent gestures of affection. The very aspects my wife, and others with ...

Calm Above, The Storm Beyond: Leadership Lessons from Nature’s Duality

Tonight, I had the privilege of witnessing a remarkable juxtaposition of nature that made me pause and reflect on its allegory to human experiences, particularly in the realm of leadership. Sitting on my back deck, I felt the air crisp with the tranquility left by a cold front. The sky was a cele...

‘Beyond Happiness’: Unlocking the Secrets of Boost Your Leadership by Jenn Lim

The book “Beyond Happiness: Prioritizing Purpose and People for Impact” by Jenn Lim is a game-changing manual in a society that prioritizes profit. Lim, a co-founder of Delivering Happiness and a proponent of positive workplace cultures, examines the enormous effect that authentic leader...

Beyond Technical Skills: The Importance of Leadership Training for Newly Appointed Managers

Why do so many new managers struggle and even flounder? According to research conducted in 2019 by CER Global (now Gartner), a shocking 60 percent of new managers fail within two years of starting their new role in leadership. That is an alarmingly high number — especially if you conside...

BEYOND ECONOMICS. Integrity in an age of complexity.

Newer economic principles. In this paper we want to state two principles, which we believe to be very important for the modern world but, yet, unrecognized as such. These two points are the one that we call:1) Death of industry, and 2) End of economics. We will explain them in the following pa...

How To Look And Sound Great For Under $700 — Podcasting, Zoom Meetings And Beyond

Here is my final plea… It has never been easier (and cheaper) to look and sound better on any kind of Zoom call, podcast, Teams or Skype call. I’m frustrated with how many guests on my podcasts (both Six Pixels of Separation — The ThinkersOne...

Emulating Ansel Adams Move Beyond Landscapes

Not all twentieth-century photographers created monochrome works of beauty. Some found common man-made forms to be unique structures that should be admired. Ansel Adams went from photographing scenic landscapes and, after becoming involved environmental awareness, his eye moved to the city. ...

Art Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Fusion

Greetings, creative souls! Today, we embark on a journey to explore the exhilarating realm of interdisciplinary collaboration and fusion in the world of art. In this blog, we’ll dive into the fascinating possibilities that arise when artists from different disciplines join forces, pushing the ...

The Fascinating Story of the Samburu Tribe: Beyond the Savanna

Located in the heart of Kenya, the Samburu tribe is one of Africa’s most fascinating ethnic communities. With a rich culture and impressive history, these people have survived time and thrived in an extremely difficult environment. Their story takes us beyond the Kenyan savannah and reveals a ...

Beyond the Hype: Semiconductor Innovations Bringing the Metaverse to Life

The metaverse represents the next evolution of the internet — an interconnected network of persistent 3D virtual worlds focused on immersive, real-time experiences. Realizing this vision requires immense technological advances, especially in semiconductors, to power these immersive digital rea...

Review — Park Beyond

Please note that we’re trying a new review format where we make getting an impression of our thoughts about a game more easily to scan and digest. We’re categorising our findings in what we call WGBU: the Wonderful, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  The Wonderful Absolutely ...

Visions Beyond: A Story

In the quiet town of Ashbrook, known for its eerie calmness and the scent of pine in the air, there lived a painter named Marcus. He was no Van Gogh or Picasso, but he had a unique touch. The town was his muse, its winding roads and ancient houses weaving into his creations. However, as he looked fo...

Cloud and Beyond : AWS Cognito Decoded

In the contemporary digital landscape, user registration and authentication serve as the bedrock of most mobile and web applications. As end-users, we often interface with bespoke solutions tailored for user sign-ups and logins in various apps and websites. This tech blog is specifically tailored fo...

Beyond Docker: Emulation, Orchestration, and Virtualization in Apple Silicon

Over the last five years, I’ve delved deep into the world of microservices within big Kubernetes clusters. My typical workflow involves crafting solutions locally on my laptop, rigorously testing them, and subsequently committing my alterations to the master branch. Docker had long been my ...

Terraform | Beyond IF-ELSE

When it comes to managing infrastructure with Terraform, I’ve discovered that conditionals are an indispensable tool for creating dynamic and flexible configurations. In this post, we will go through some of the techniques in Terraform using ternary expressions and functions to handle com...

Beyond MVVM: Hierarchical State Management with Molecule and Compose

In this article, we will explore some shortcomings of typical mobile app architectures and how a hierarchical approach to state management could enhance them. Android ViewModels have been the first area of contact with the concept of state management for many of us, especially those who start...

Mastering SwiftUI: Beyond the Obvious

As an iOS developer, you’ve likely seen your fair share of changes in the landscape of Apple development. One of the most significant is undoubtedly SwiftUI. But even for seasoned developers, mastering a new technology can come with its own set of challenges. Here are ten pitfalls you might...

LA beyond the postcards

I didn’t really know what to expect. I’ll admit the US wasn’t typically on my radar for must-visit places. Maybe it’s because, living in the UK, American culture already feels so intertwined with my daily life. The movies, the music, the icons — it often feels like I&rs...

Melbourne Beyond Classrooms

When I wrote this, I was only two months away from finishing my postgraduate journey in Melbourne. I still remember the day I landed here, June 8th, 2022. It was only eight days into winter, some autumn leaves still fell on the streets, and I was only 24 years old. Taylor Swift, my all-time favorite...

Zelenskyy’s Statement: Israel’s Role in Tel Aviv’s War and the Question of ‘Going Beyond Laws’

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently made a statement expressing support for Israel in its actions in Tel Aviv while suggesting that Israel has the capacity to “go beyond laws.” This statement has sparked a range of reactions, with many questioning the implications of s...

Beyond Tokyo: Exploring Japan’s Vibrant Cities and Scenic Countryside

Japan, often associated with the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, is a country of incredible diversity and contrast. While Tokyo is undoubtedly a vibrant hub of innovation and culture, there’s a world beyond the capital city that is waiting to be explored. In this blog post, we will take you on a...

Beyond the Hoot: Uncovering the Surprising Diversity and Adaptations of Owls

As the moon rises and the world grows dark, an enigmatic creature takes to the skies. With its silent flight and piercing gaze, the Owl embodies mystery, magic, and the unknown. These majestic birds have captured our imaginations for centuries, inspiring myth, legend, and folklore. But beyond their ...

Beyond the Code: Carbon Impact of Large Language Models (LLMs)

I’m sure you’ve heard of ChatGPT, Copilot, or any of the other many (many, many, many) AI tools hitting the tech scene. But something a little more nuanced is coming to light–and that’s the environmental costs. I mean, ‘L’ in LLM doesn’t exactly stand for &r...

Time, Money & Beyond

Often, it is said, “Time is money.” However, I contend that. Time is much more than that. Time is life. Envision life as an elaborate clock, with each sweep of its hands marking not just minutes but chapters in our grand narrative. For instance, a life spanning 70 years is not ...

A Window on the World Beyond Work

After more than 40 years in public relations, I retired. Just like that. After decades of long work weeks and rarely being completely off duty, I moved into a different kind of life. I worked in PR because that’s what Dad did, and he encouraged me to follow in his footsteps. He said, &...

Beyond Buzzwords: Practical Applications of AI in Diversity and Inclusion

Recruitment Bias Mitigation Traditional recruitment processes are not immune to biases, whether conscious or unconscious. AI-powered algorithms are now stepping in to level the playing field. Companies like Google have successfully integrated AI to ensure that candidates are evaluated based on sk...

User Experiences Beyond Sight

In the digital landscape, the call for inclusivity reverberates louder than ever. Ensuring that interfaces are accessible to all is not just a design philosophy but a commitment to equal opportunities for everyone. In this journey towards inclusivity, individuals with visual impairments stand as a v...

Beyond Labels: The Diversity of Souls and Unconditional Love

Different for some And normal for others According to racial norms Gendered or societal What over there Is ordinary Elsewhere, is a rarity See an anomaly Website

Beyond Convenience: Why B2B e-commerce makes sense — A Series

In 2016, three former employees of Flipkart stared a B2B e-commerce marketplace and logistics platform called Udaan. It promised to empower small-scale retailers. The company achieved Unicorn status in record time, and by October 2019, it was supplying an annualised Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of ...

The future vision in logistics and supply chain: Beyond forecasts

At the dynamic interface of logistics and supply chain, there is a growing need for foresight that goes beyond mere forecasting. The dynamics of the industry and the unpredictability of global markets are forcing companies not only to adapt to current conditions, but also to shape the future develop...

What Do You Wish More People Knew About Black History?

Beyond Slavery and Superstars: What I Wish More People Knew About Black History Black history is often relegated to a single month of token recognition, painted with broad strokes of slavery, segregation, and a handful of celebrated figures. But to truly understand the richness and comple...

Soaring Beyond Boundaries: The Stellar Journey of Dr. John Herrington | Phonoscope Fiber

In a quaint little town nestled amidst the lush vastness of Oklahoma, a young boy named John Herrington often found himself gazing at the night sky. The stars seemed to beckon, whispering tales of the unknown. John’s heart fluttered with dreams that seemed as distant as the twinkling constella...

Ten Jews That I Admire Beyond Measure

Whenever I criticize Israel, Zionists use the identity trick. In the past, I’ve just pointed them to Why Zionists Love Identity Politics: The long history of deflecting criticism by insisting anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, but sometimes I name a few of the Jews I admire immeasurably....

Beyond Complexion: Exploring White Privilege in a Multi-Faceted World

In today’s world, the term “privilege” has become a widely discussed topic, often associated with race and skin color. While it is true that certain groups of people have historically benefited from different forms of privilege, it is essential to recognize that privilege is multi-...

Unleashing the power of precision medicine: Beyond oncology

In 2023, 12 precision medicine related treatments were approved, as well as six biomarker and an indication that specific treatments were included in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines. These breakthrough precision oncology therapies had a significant impact on patient outco...

Breaking the Mold: Navigating Life Beyond Iniquities

Life unfolds in mysterious ways, and often, we find ourselves following paths we vowed never to tread. As I stand at the crossroads of age and introspection, I reflect on the journey that led me to unexpected destinations. Let’s explore the concept of iniquities — the silent echoes o...

Beyond the Blade: Exploring Non-Invasive Surgical Breakthroughs

Endoscopic surgery employs endoscopes: flexible tubes appended with a camera and light source. These small incisions or natural orifices, allow for the viewing and manipulation of internal organs. This technique finds broad application in gastrointestinal surgeries; and joint repairs — among o...

Beyond Shapes and Lines: How Geometry Unveils the True Nature of Reality

Introduction Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. While it may seem like an abstract and theoretical concept, geometry plays a fundamental role in uncovering the true nature of reality. T...

Beyond AVERAGE(): What you need to consider before reporting an average calculation in your next data analysis

Average is a common go-to calculation for data analysts. It’s so powerful because it allows us to summarize large data sets into a single number making it easier to communicate and be understood by our audience. Because we are so used to seeing data summarized into an average, it&...

Legal weed won’t kill the black market; but it will shrink it beyond recognition.

Earlier this week, I was commenting on a post about the black market. Specifically, the idea that “corporate cannabis will never kill the black market.” — In my reply, I compared post-prohibition pot to post-prohibition ‘shine. Read More

Beyond the Interface: Integrating Psychology, Anthropology, and Data Science for Exceptional UX

User experience (UX) design has evolved from being an aesthetic concern to a fundamental part of the user interaction with technology. It’s a field that sits at the intersection of design, psychology, anthropology, and data science, to name a few. Uniting these diverse disciplines is not just ...

Beyond Boundaries: Generation Z Explores Cultural Heritage in the Metaverse through Mixed Reality

Cultural heritage tourism has long been a gateway for individuals to explore the rich tapestry of human history, art, and traditions. As we step into the digital age, Generation Z finds itself at the forefront of a transformative journey, blending the tangible past with the virtual future. Mixed Rea...

Journey Through AI Fashion: Rendering Beyond the Runway

With the Midjourney platform as my canvas, I’ve had the opportunity to create a plethora of AI fashion renders. These creations span a wide array of settings, from the glitz and glamour of catwalks to the serene ambiance of both indoor and outdoor environments. Above: my avatar overlook...

Beyond the Surface: Deepening the relationship you have with your body.

To say that most women I have coached over the years have “a complicated relationship with their bodies” would be a massive understatement. In fact, it is a rarity that I work with a woman who has a healthy relationship with her body. What is a healthy relationship with the body? Well...

Women beyond 36–24–36

I was dancing in my room one day when I saw my silhouette forming on the wall. I started posing for fun as I saw a familiar shape forming. I exclaimed “Ohhh, so that’s the hourglass shape they always talk about, damn I got some hourglass” and then went by with my day as usual. ...

How to get your English beyond C2 level — if that even exists.

The European Union came up with the Common European Framework of Reference as a means to standardise the different levels language learners could have. The CEFR indicators are the same for all languages, which means that you can measure the B2 level of English and the B2 level of French in...

Beyond the Glass: The Allure of 'Gluggaveður’

Disclosure: This article was assisted by AI technology. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and originality, some content may be influenced by the AI’s algorithms and data sources.* Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash Introduction 'Gluggaveður’, an...