A Window on the World Beyond Work

<p>After more than 40 years in public relations, I retired. Just like that. After decades of long work weeks and rarely being completely off duty, I moved into a different kind of life.</p> <p>I worked in PR because that&rsquo;s what Dad did, and he encouraged me to follow in his footsteps. He said,&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;There&rsquo;s important work to do. You can do it.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>And so I did. My final job was at a top healthcare organization, where I was paid to do work I loved, with a team I adored.</p> <p>Looking out my 23rd-floor office window, framed by the Wasatch Mountains, my life felt full of possibility.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/crows-feet/a-window-on-the-world-beyond-work-b34f2d2fe2c2"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: world Beyond