What Do You Wish More People Knew About Black History?

<p>Beyond Slavery and Superstars:&nbsp;<strong>What I Wish More People Knew About Black History</strong><br /> <strong>Black history is often</strong>&nbsp;relegated to a single month of token recognition, painted with broad strokes of slavery, segregation, and a handful of celebrated figures. But to truly understand the richness and complexity of this narrative, we need to dive deeper, peeling back the layers to reveal a vibrant tapestry woven with resistance, innovation, and resilience. As a [your identity/profession], here are some key aspects of Black history I wish more people knew about:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@maaz.abbasi/what-do-you-wish-more-people-knew-about-black-history-a71db85a2f69"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beyond Slavery