BEYOND ECONOMICS. Integrity in an age of complexity.

<h1>Newer economic principles.</h1> <p><em>In this paper we want to state two principles, which we believe to be very important for the modern world but, yet, unrecognized as such. These two points are the one that we call:1) Death of industry, and 2) End of economics.</em></p> <p><em>We will explain them in the following pages. From here, we gain a new understanding of what companies are: not anymore or, at least, not anymore only money-maker entities, but cultural agencies in the fullest sense of the term. This brief work tries then to suggest the chance for a new kind of relationship between these corporate entities and the users and peoples linked with them.</em></p> <h1>The ethics of little choices.</h1> <p>When I was a kid, my mp3-player accompanied me everywhere I went. I can hardly recall a single day when, going to school at 6.30 in the morning, I didn&rsquo;t have that little black thing with me. Endless times I felt asleep with my head leaning against the glass of the bus, cradled by the vibrations that spread through it towards my cheek &mdash; and, of course, my favorite music at the time blasting in my ears through the headphones of the black magical device.</p> <p>In time, I grew less and less fond of it. When I was 20 and started hitting the gym frequently, I progressively forgot at home my little friend. At the time it was not black anymore; the old one was fallen prey of time and decay. My new one was red. I liked it nonetheless. I used it often, yes, but not as often as before.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>