Tag: Being

How to Avoid Being Fooled by Model Accuracy

Background — Simple on the Surface The metrics used for gauging performance of classification models are fairly straightforward, at least from a mathematical standpoint. Nevertheless, I have observed that many modellers and data scientists encounter difficulty articulating these metrics, an...

The Great Blockchain of Being

500 years ago the world was forever changed by a bad review. On October 31st, 1517, a plump, anxious friar and theology professor named Martin Luther nailed a list of complaints — his 95 theses — to the door of a monastery in Wittenburg. Luther was vicious, thorough, and att...

Balancing Your Well-Being

The Value of Budgeting for Health Budgeting for your health is a crucial component of maintaining a healthy balance. It entails budgeting for and keeping track of your medical costs, such as prescriptions, doctor visits, and gym dues. Making informed decisions about your health and preventing unp...

Leave the Table If Respect Is Not Being Served

Wehave what, over 8 billion people on the planet, now? Yes. Well then there’s no reason to think that one individual, job, or friendship is the end-all, be-all for us, if we’re being disrespected. The world is fast-paced as well. So it’s important for us to surround ourselves wi...

Being Human: The 4 Operational Levels

What does it mean to be human? Everyone creates their own meaning in the process of living, but I can tell you this much… There are 4 levels that we can operate on: The Physical The Mental The Emotional The Spiritual Unlocking all 4 levels requires some serious self-dis...

Do You Know That You Are Being Framed!

Let’s start with some questions. These are easy ones, no tricks at all. Answer what comes to your mind first. 1. Here are two toothpaste brands on the shelf, advertised as below. Everything else is same, which one will you go for? 2. Two burgers here (pardon my sketching). Which one ...

The Joy of Being Underdressed

I could turn back time and change three things, I know exactly what they’d be. First, I would have come out sooner — probably during the summer between my freshman and sophomore years at the University of Florida. (Though “why then” is a story for another piece entirely.) Sec...

Have You Ever Wondered How You’ll React When You’re Being Mugged?

On the odd idle occasion, I have wondered, what I would do should I get mugged on the street. This afternoon I found out. On my way home, I came out of Carrefour and paused near the curb to open up my new cherry lip salve. What was that sound? A flapping noise was gaining on me and when ...

Being Home: Observations From My First Week

Before I left for home, I had so many inhibitions which were primarily my assumptions about what things would be like when I was home. However, I did promise myself that I would try to practice the skill of awareness which would allow me to read situations & people without the bias of being&hell...

Cheers to being a 20-something

At the time of writing, I am 23 years old. My early 20s have definitely been something. I’ve dropped out of college, moved into an apartment in Brooklyn with my friend, worked some temporary office clerk jobs, have been unemployed for months at a time, traveled the world, been to therapy, had ...

Beyond Being Beautiful, Trees Are Vital to Your Well-Being

Trees bring us beauty, a sense of awe, nourish us with oxygen while removing carbon dioxide and pollutants, protect our land and improve our physical, mental, and spiritual health all the while serving as a good financial investment. Let us protect them, nurture them and encourage their planting, es...

Why I Am Open About Being Autistic

We all have things about us that we would rather keep to ourselves. Whether it is guilty pleasures like cheesy music and films, or mistakes we have made that we would rather not think about, very few people are comfortable putting their whole lives out in the open. However, we also tend to have c...

All I Want Is My Family to Love Me, but They Kicked Me Out for Being Trans

It’s been two years. I haven’t heard my mother’s voice for two years. I’ve dreamed of being back in my family home on the other side of the country each night. They are just dreams. They aren’t real. I know they’re not real because my home is warm. My father em...

Being Queer, aka Being Lonely

I’ve always been good at being alone. Or so I tell myself, at least. Being lonely on the other hand, you never get used to it. That feeling of sitting cross-legged in a bottomless pit where people cannot reach you, but only look over the edge and find your shade. And there’s no ladder. I...

#51 — Welcome to being a woman

I recently had a follow-up colonoscopy, and things went much smoother (LOL) than the first time. But I experienced awful cramps. The two days leading up to and the two days after were double over, curl up, festivals of intestinal distress. The past year has been rather stressful, and when everything...

Why is Killing Being Justified?

That is the number of states across America that still use the death penalty in 2024. I’m not going to try to persuade you to agree with me on this, but I want to share the facts and my own opinions on the matter. Whether you agree or not, let me know what you think in the comments. Capi...

The Real Difference Between Being Smart and Being Intelligent

In my life so far, I’ve been fortunate to meet a lot of smart people. I worked hard at school and, against a few odds, ended up studying at Oxford University. There, I met some of the smartest people in their respective fields, and in my age group. I studied hard there too and ended up l...

Becoming a Real Human Being

Today Ilarion is a messenger to the world, and works in sacred ceremony with indigenous peoples around the world , including the Mapuche in southern Argentina, the Tarahumara people in northwestern Mexico in the Sierra Madres, the Haudenasaunee in eastern Canada, the Hawaiians, Yupik Eskimos, Mayans...

Being Biracial

Ah, to be biracial. This topic is discussed at length on social media and in everyday conversations. Interestingly, many of these discussions do not involve biracial individuals. This is the opinion of a biracial individual on this topic. Being biracial is a lived experience that brings together ...

The Pain of Being Mixed

So, I’m a freshman in college and I’ve suddenly discovered my identity isn’t what I thought it to be (or so sayeth “them”). I’m now discovering the pain of being Mixed. Never being “seen” by either or any group to which you are supposed to &l...

What Being Biracial has Taught me About Racism

My mom was Mexican and my dad white (of English origin but think more yee-haw). My dad was absent for most of my childhood due to his struggle with Meth addiction and so I was mainly raised by my mom. My mom made sure to remind me frequently that my whiteness annoyed her. She would call me a “...

Are You Okay with Being Fat, or Not?

You know that thing when you’re growing out your hair and it suddenly passes a threshold and people start asking if you got a haircut, and you’re like, no, it just passed a tipping point and looks different? Sometimes that happens with my body. A sudden, acute awareness that I can feel s...

Who Said Being Nosy was All Bad?

It’s not a must but it most definitely depends on the day for me. Staying on brand with my usual stance, I’m not here to force you to start giving your nose the rhinoplasty special with translucent powder every morning. These are tips, tricks, and products that I feel work well togeth...

Unemployment and Being Trilingual.

As of 5th of May 2020 , 9:34 am , there are 28,431 job vacancies in Malaysia posted on Indeed.com, 32,431 on LinkedIn.com , and 10,063 on Jobstreet.com. Out of these numbers , the ability to speak Mandarin aside from English and Malay is required (or an added bonus) at approximately 14 to a whopp...