Beyond Being Beautiful, Trees Are Vital to Your Well-Being

<p>Trees bring us beauty, a sense of awe, nourish us with oxygen while removing carbon dioxide and pollutants, protect our land and improve our physical, mental, and spiritual health all the while serving as a good financial investment. Let us protect them, nurture them and encourage their planting, especially in urban settings.</p> <p>Trees are critical to health and social well-being.</p> <p>Trees take in carbon dioxide and store the carbon; they release oxygen, and they remove nitrogen, ozone, and small particulate matter. They reduce heat, reduce stress and stress hormones, improve mental health, improve immune function and decrease blood pressure. By removing small particles from the air, trees decrease the risk of stroke, cardiac disease, lung cancer, and asthma among others. Trees have a big impact on soil and water through removing pollutants, improving water quality, and reducing stormwater runoff.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Well Being