Tag: Architecture

NodeJS Architecture Explained

Origin Of NodeJS Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It was created in 2009 by Ryan Dahl and has since become one of the most popular JavaScript runtime environments, with a large and ...

The Architecture of a Modern Startup

The Tech side of startups can sometimes be very fluid and contain a lot of unknowns. What tech stack to use? Which components might be overkill for now but worth keeping an eye on in the future? How to balance the pace of business features development while keeping the quality bar high eno...

Emerging Large Language Model (LLM) Application Architecture

I’m currently the Chief Evangelist @ HumanFirst. I explore & write about all things at the intersection of AI & language; ranging from LLMs, Chatbots, Voicebots, Development Frameworks, Data-Centric latent spaces & more. Why do I say LLMs are unstructured? LLMs ar...

Implement Clean Architecture in Android

Software architecture defines a set of rules for writing software, which helps the developer to structure the code in a well-mannered way so that the software is reliable and scalable. It helps determine various qualities such as scalability, performance, security, code reduction, etc., and analy...

Android MVVM Architecture Simplified

In modern software development, writing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) from scratch is uncommon due to the time it takes and the redundancy it entails. Instead, developers rely on preexisting components to achieve their desired outcomes, whether it’s rendering UI elements or performing busin...

A Simple View Of ViewModels

While building applications, many of you developers have probably encountered the problem of losing your application’s data when you rotate your device. Ever wondered why that happens? Well, it’s because your activity is recreated when there is a configuration change, And when your activ...

“Web3: The Next Generation of the Internet and Its Architecture and Tech Stack”

When I encountered the blockchain a few months back, I found myself rather confused: I had no idea which technologies developed from Web2 to Web3. Furthermore, regardless of what options people say to choose towards this transition, most tech-check question responses also comprises of nontechnical m...

PayPal’s Microservices Architecture Journey

During early 2000 the architecture was way simpler than the above diagram. Whenever user interacted with the website a monolithic application written in C++ was handling it. By the year 2004 they already had 76 executables separated, kind of like microservices, but not really. Some services were han...

Clean Architecture: The Key to Modular and Testable Android Apps

Imagine you’re building a house. In Clean Architecture, your codebase is like that house. It’s organized in distinct layers, each with its own purpose and responsibilities. Just like a house has an outer shell, rooms, and inner workings, Clean Architecture has layers: Presentation (UI), ...

Why gRPC is the future of software architecture

REST is architectural style which has been a de facto while designing large scale systems these days. REST idealogy disrupted the market around 15 years back replacing SOAP based architectures because of its high performance, lighter and flexible nature. Yes of course there are many more reason to i...

Agile Architecture in Swift

Over the last decade, I have worked as an iOS developer in many different teams. While basically all teams described themselves as being agile, it never felt so. For most, “agile” had become a meaningless word, just describing a marketing term for a certification industry. But “...

Poor man’s islands architecture

Sometimes you don’t need much to enjoy yourself on a nice island surrounded by the ocean of static content. The islands architecture is all the rave now. Some believe it’s the answer to all questions and a solution to all issues. Right now, I’m working on a project of learning a...

Why You Should Use Islands Architecture

In 2013, the Facebook-backed React barreled onto the web development scene and changed the way we render web applications. Instead of rendering pages on the server and shipping them to the client, developers could use React to create Single Page Applications (SPAs) and render them on the client side...

AI Agents Know Where to Look: A Cross Knowledge Base Search Architecture

AI has been all the rage lately, and after seeing the variety of applications people are creating, I wanted to give it a shot myself! In this article, we’ll explore an architecture that uses AI agents to create a multi-knowledge base QnA chatbot. We’ll combine multiple agents for sele...

How to create interactive zoomable software architecture diagrams

Tl;dr When using abstractions to communicate software architectures, it’s important to choose the right terminology and level of detail based on the audience. The C4 model provides common abstractions with a hierarchical structure that allows diagrams to be tailored to the au...

Mastering Minimal APIs: Implementing Layered Architecture and Repository Pattern in .NET7

Hello, today we are set to make significant changes to our API design. We plan to revamp it using a layered architecture and the repository pattern. To start, we’ll establish business, entity, and repository layers. Following that, we’ll relocate our existing classes and methods into the...

Clean Architecture in Node.js

Clean Architecture is a software development concept that focuses on creating modular and maintainable code. The architecture allows the developer to create a codebase that is easy to understand, test, and extend. It emphasizes on separating the core business logic of the application from ...

Flutter and Clean Architecture

In our last article, we established that clean architecture is a software architectural pattern that provides a structured and modular way to design and organize code within a Flutter application. It aims to separate different concerns and responsibilities while maintaining a clear boundary between ...

How to Document Your Current Enterprise Architecture & Technology

One of the holy grails for an Enterprise Architect is a document (including or accompanied by diagrams and spreadsheets) that captures everything in the Information Technology domain of the organisation. This core EA artefact is the current Enterprise Architecture & Technology Document,&...

Composable Frontend Architecture for 2024

Composable frontends allow you to create complex UIs from reusable, individual and (most importantly) independent logic building blocks (you can think of them as digital Lego bricks). They facilitate collaboration with other teams, making it easier to grow and scale these “bricks”. ...

Pokémon GO architecture to support millions of requests

About 2 years ago Google interviewed one of the Senior Engineering Managers from Pokémon GO (the link to the video is at the end), where they discussed how they scale their infrastructure to handle millions of players’ requests. And above picture illustrates the high-level architecture ...

Instacart’s Item Availability Architecture: Solving for scale and consistency.

This blog post is the last segment in a three-part series that outlines our innovative approach to overcoming inventory challenges, delving into the application of product design, machine learning, and engineering technology. Here are Part-1 and Part-2 of the series if you want t...

The Architecture of a Modern Startup

The Tech side of startups can sometimes be very fluid and contain a lot of unknowns. What tech stack to use? Which components might be overkill for now but worth keeping an eye on in the future? How to balance the pace of business features development while keeping the quality bar high eno...

Building beyond Ego: the Complicated World of Architecture

It happened when I was working as an intern for an architecture office in Bangkok. The rich client hired the office to shave off an entire hill and design a gigantic touristic resort. We met him on Phuket island. All night, after the meeting, I tried to ease my mind in the darkness. But I coul...

Flutter Clean Architecture Series — Part 1 (UPDATED)

The Clean Architecture is the most powerful software design which promotes the separation of concerns and the creation of highly maintainable and flexible software systems, and this can be done by organizing the codebase into independent layers that communicate through defined interfaces. ...


The discovery (or invention) of topology, the new idea of space to summarise, is one of the most interesting examples of the profound repercussions that mathematical ideas will have on culture, art and architecture. In the second half of the 19th century geometry had mutated significantly. Poinca...

Is GenAI in Architecture and Interior Design as promising as it looks?

I did my fair share of research on this topic. There was a lot of general content available like Generative AI in architecture and interior design helps with creativity, inspiration, etc. In this blog, I would like to go over a few real-world use cases and some tools related to them. First, let&r...

Unity Architecture: Spaghetti Pattern

Six months ago I was promoted to the position of Lead Unity Developer. Taking on this role, I felt that I had to level up my coding game. I was tired of creating glorified prototypes, that impressed clients and employers early, only for the codebase to become a hell scape 12 months later, riddled wi...

How to write extensible code in Unity (5) — Loosely Coupled Architecture

Okay, after seeing that scary Unit case earlier, how can we implement the so-called loose coupling architecture? Here, I will divide the entire Unit program into four parts for consideration: data layer, visual layer, logic layer, and composition layer. Data layer The data layer is used to ...

How I Built a Resilient Multi-Region Microservices Architecture

A Comprehensive Guide to Deploying Scalable and Highly Available Microservices with Amazon EKS, Terraform, Ansible, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway As a seasoned IT professional, you understand the importance of deploying a resilient and scalable microservices architecture. In this comprehensi...

Building a 3-tier web application architecture with AWS

When building a cloud-based application, the underlying architecture and environment are just as critical as the application itself. There are many considerations when deciding on the proper architecture of your app: Scalability: How easily and/or frequently does the app need to scale up ...

Medallion architecture: best practices for managing Bronze, Silver and Gold

Many of my clients employ a Medallion structure to logically arrange data in a Lakehouse. They process incoming data through various stages or layers. The most recognized layout, illustrated below, incorporates Bronze, Silver, and Gold layers, thus the term “Medallion architecture” is us...


Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as a Code tool by HashiCorp. It enables us to provision, manage, and version infrastructure resources across various cloud providers and infrastructure platforms. In this project, we will create a Three-tier architecture using terraform. In the web ti...

Data caching using Room in Kotlin, Remote Mediator API, MVI Architecture

In the ever-evolving world of Android app development, data caching is a crucial aspect that ensures efficient performance and a seamless user experience. In this article, we will explore how to implement data caching in an Android app using Room, the Remote Mediator API, and the Model-View-Intent (...

Single Activity vs Multiple Activities Architecture

In the dynamic world of Android app development, developers are faced with crucial decisions that shape the user experience and the overall architecture of their applications. One such pivotal choice revolves around the structure of the app’s activities — the fundamental building blocks ...

Jetpack Compose UI Architecture

Introduction Jetpack Compose is by far the most exciting thing that has happened in my developer career. It has changed how I work and how I think about problems. It has introduced many exciting tools that are both easy to use and flexible, allowing you to do almost anything with ease. I adopt...

Analyzing Arabian Architecture — Abu Dhabi, Part 2

Continuing on my analytical layover rant, I now move forward to standing outside the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, waiting for a taxi to take me to the Qasr Al Hosn, which is the oldest building in Abu Dhabi and witness to all the changes the country has seen. Originally built to be a watch tower, the struct...

If Stones Could Speak: Berlin’s Architecture and Memory

In the center of the former East Berlin, the Schlüter courtyard of the Humboldt Forum museum is more crowded than usual, with the restaurant tables full, and multi-colored chairs added to give people a place to sit, relax, and listen. This is the site where the former Prussian Royal Palace o...

The National Library of Argentina — A Premium Example of Brutalist Architecture

This article will focus on the National Library of the Argentine Republic in its most modern incarnation. The origins of the library extend back to 1810 when Buenos Aires became the capital of Argentina. The building that preceded the current one still stands on Mexico Street in the Montserrat Ward ...

Discovering the Finn Juhl House: Where Art, Design, and Architecture Unite

Nestled in the tranquil neighborhood of Ordrup, just north of Copenhagen, stands a testament to the genius of the renowned furniture designer and architect, Finn Juhl. The Finn Juhl House, located at 15 Kratvænget, is not just a dwelling; it’s a living embodiment of his creative vision. ...

Edinburgh — Beyond cobbled streets and Georgian architecture

When J.K. Rowling first moved to Edinburgh in 1993, she had a broken marriage, a baby daughter and three chapters of the first book of Harry Potter. She would have never thought that in the coming years, the fantasy story would make her one of the richest women in the world. She might not have gotte...

A Hostile Architecture Tour Around London — Part 2

This is a follow-up to my first article on hostile architecture in London from April 2022. This time with even more photos, and some theory. While collecting more examples of hostile architecture in London over the summer, I realised that I struggled to understand the seemingly random usage ...

Ugly or Beautiful? Brutalist Architecture in London.

Picture this: massive, almost imposing structures with a no-nonsense attitude. They’re not trying to hide anything — the design shows off the bones of the building. In fact, ‘Brutalism’ comes from the French word ‘béton brut,’ which basically means ‘r...

Hostile Architecture in Los Angeles

Last year, students from an Australian university reached out for my thoughts on Hostile Architecture. It was for a journalism course studying Los Angeles’s houseless crisis. The group wanted to ensure their research acknowledged the hostile and defensive design targeting unhoused An...

The Architecture of Los Angeles (L.A.): A Journey Through Time and Style

As an architecture enthusiast, I’ve long been captivated by the eclectic tapestry of buildings that make up Los Angeles. The city’s architectural landscape is like an open-air museum, weaving stories of different epochs, cultures, and philosophies. From Spanish Revival homes to mode...

Utilitarianism in 21st Century: Modern Architecture

What is utility? According to the Oxford Dictionary, utility is defined as “the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial” (Oxford). For economists, the term utility is more associated with the “total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service” (Investo...

Architecture History — Drawing

Guy Debord’s ‘Theory of the Derive’ represents a drawing of the city as a series of situations, depicted as ‘the situationists’. I have taken this inspiration and crafted a personal reflection of areas in and around UTS, using key techniques and reasons similar to Debor...

How will Architecture Adapt, Reuse Buildings for our Changing Lives?

My longest experience working with an architect was when I was hired to manage the construction of a new medical building, staff it, open it, and make it operational. I was hired when the building was a hole in the ground, but the architectural plans were set. The building design was beautiful. I...

Architecture Killed My Career

“We’re parting ways with you. We’ve made efforts to find a good fit, but we can see that you’re not content with your work here. This decision isn’t related to your recent experience as a new mom.” In many states, employers are not legally required to provide a...

System Architecture at project44

Whether your shipments and orders are on the ground, on the high seas, or in the air, project44 tracks it using cloud technology. As a consumer, we are accustomed to knowing that our Amazon package is 3 stops away, but that level of visibility is unheard of for warehouse managers, retailer...

10 Structures That Represent The Historical Architecture Of

Afghanistan is a landlocked country in Asia, rich in architectural heritage and natural beauty. The architecture in Afghanistan is greatly influenced by the diverse events in Afghan history. It shows influences ranging over time from Greek, Persian to Indian and European in recent centuries. A wide ...

FORCED PERSPECTIVE — The architecture of language

Some words have a ring to them, or whole strands of language seem easy to take in. Then language can almost be judged instantly, based on intuition, guts knowledge. A sense of self-evidence overcomes us, of something being straightforward, there is no need for side-steps, no need to look for further...

Roman Architecture: Building an Empire

The Roman Empire, renowned for its unprecedented territorial conquests and political influence, also left an indelible mark on the world through its architectural prowess. Roman architecture, a testament to the empire’s grandeur and ingenuity, has stood the test of time, influencing building d...

SLOTS FOR REALITY — The architecture of language

Some words are more versatile than others, such as pronouns. As I say ‘you’ to so many people, each of them becomes plugged into that linguistic slot, the pronoun ‘you’. There are many other words like it; ‘they’, ‘she’, ‘he’, but also &lsq...

Simplifying Software Development: Exploring the Overlooked Potential of Onion Architecture

In onion architecture, we build software as a set of concentric layers. This is apparent from the name onion. Each layer depends on the layer under it. But the reverse is not valid. For example, We have a software system with a layer for handling user input and a layer for displaying the use...

Evaluation of Fashion design- Integrating with Art and Architecture

Fashion design is the art of application of design that implies aesthetic or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. It is influenced by different spectrums of art, culture, and social movements and has diverse senses over different time periods. From designer’s cloth worn by only royalty ...

What is Mannerism in Architecture

The mannerist architecture was characterized by unexpected elements that challenged the Renaissance norms. Flemish artists, many of whom had traveled to Italy and were influenced by Mannerist developments there. During the period, architects experimented with using architectural forms to empha...