Mastering Minimal APIs: Implementing Layered Architecture and Repository Pattern in .NET7

<p>Hello, today we are set to make significant changes to our API design. We plan to revamp it using a layered architecture and the repository pattern. To start, we&rsquo;ll establish business, entity, and repository layers. Following that, we&rsquo;ll relocate our existing classes and methods into these newly created layers.</p> <p>First off, what is layered architecture? Layered architecture involves organizing your code into separate layers that interact with each other. Take, for example, purchasing a new computer from Amazon. You would first select a computer and proceed to payment. If your payment goes through and the Amazon seller confirms that enough stock is available, the purchase is approved. Following this, a shipping layer comes into play to handle the delivery of the computer.</p> <p>In this scenario, you can think of the Amazon website as analogous to a minimal API; it serves as the layer for sending requests. The Amazon seller acts like the business layer, handling the specifics of the sale, and the shipping service functions as the repository layer, taking care of delivering your precious computer.</p> <p>Each layer in our architecture should be implemented as a separate class library project. To create a new class library in Visual Studio, right-click on the solution and choose &lsquo;New Project.&rsquo; If you&rsquo;re using Visual Studio Code, you can refer to the article titled&nbsp;&ldquo;Create a .NET Class Library Using Visual Studio Code&rdquo;&nbsp;on Microsoft Learn for a step-by-step guide.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>