Poor man’s islands architecture
<p>Sometimes you don’t need much to enjoy yourself on a nice island surrounded by the ocean of static content.</p>
<p>The islands architecture is all the rave now. Some believe it’s the answer to all questions and a solution to all issues. Right now, I’m working on a project of learning and comparing six of the more talked-about frameworks (I’ll write about that once I’m done), and one of them is an implementation of the islands architecture. Since I’m new to that topic, I decided to read about it. As part of my effort to understand the concept, I wrote a simple component islands loader, and I’ll share it with you here.</p>
<p>If you’re new to the islands architecture, seeing the loader code may help you understand what it’s about and how it works. Many authors make it sounds like it’s rocket surgery, but it’s really a simple (and effective) concept that shouldn’t really lose its value just because it can be explained simply.</p>
<p><strong>UPDATE: </strong>The loader code was made shorter and simpler by using the dynamic <code>import()</code>.</p>
<p><a href="https://betterprogramming.pub/poor-mans-island-architecture-cbcb0ac45092">Read More</a></p>