Clean Architecture in Node.js

<p>Clean Architecture is a software development concept that focuses on creating&nbsp;<strong>modular and maintainable</strong>&nbsp;code. The architecture allows the developer to create a codebase that is easy to understand, test, and extend. It emphasizes on separating the core business logic of the application from the infrastructure details. In this article, we will discuss Clean Architecture in Node.js, and explore how to implement it in your Node.js projects with code samples and how applying the concepts on them.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*Ct0q3jsaXioWHrS-aILeIQ.png" style="height:202px; width:273px" /></p> <h1>Identifying and Solving Problems</h1> <p>When developing Node.js applications, we often face some problems such as<strong>&nbsp;code duplication, unorganized codebase, and tight coupling</strong>. In the next section we use a simple example of a Node.js application that retrieves data from a database and returns it as a JSON response to solve these problems. Clean Architecture provides solutions to these problems by emphasizing on the following principles:</p> <h2><strong>Separation of Concerns (SoC)</strong></h2> <p>A fundamental principle of software engineering that emphasizes the importance of dividing a system into distinct modules or components, each with a specific and independent responsibility. In Node.js, SoC is often implemented using a modular architecture, where each module is responsible for a single task or functionality</p> <p><strong><a href="">Click Here</a></strong></p>