Flutter and Clean Architecture

<p>In our last article, we established that clean architecture is a software architectural pattern that provides a structured and modular way to design and organize code within a Flutter application. It aims to separate different concerns and responsibilities while maintaining a clear boundary between different layers of the application. The primary goal of Clean Architecture is to create a well-organized, maintainable, and testable codebase that is independent of external frameworks and libraries.</p> <p>Clean Architecture involves the following layers:</p> <ol> <li>Presentation Layer(UI)</li> <li>Domain Layer(Business Logic)</li> <li>Data Layer(Repositories and Data Sources)</li> </ol> <p><strong>Presentation Layer</strong>&nbsp;contains the user interface components, such as widgets, screens, and user interactions. It is responsible for rendering the user interface and handling user input. It communicates with the Domain layer using abstract methods and classes</p> <p><strong>The Domain Layer</strong>&nbsp;on the other hand contains the entire business logic of your application. It defines the use cases and business rules without being tied to any specific UI or data framework. This layer contains entities, use cases and business logic interactions.</p> <p><strong>The data layer&nbsp;</strong>is responsible for providing data to the domain layer. It interacts with various data sources, such as databases, APIs, or local storage. The data layer includes repository interfaces that define the contract for data retrieval and storage.</p> <p><a href="https://aderibigbejesutoni860.medium.com/flutter-and-clean-architecture-ii-bf39113df82b">Read More</a></p>