Tag: Abroad

Muslim Study Abroad: From Tropical to Four-Seasons Muslim Minority Country

While I don’t consider myself a perfectly practising Muslim, I do strive to uphold certain pillars of faith, such as the five daily prayers. Growing up in a Muslim-majority country, I got used to having prayer spaces practically on every building floor — talk about convenience. Howeve...

My First Time Abroad (Amsterdam Travel Recs)

If I were to recommend one thing to anyone when visiting Amsterdam, it would be Corner Store. It is a record bar with a gorgeous soft color tone. The light installation is breathtaking and changes color throughout the night to instill the mood. The menu is filled with Asian-inspired locally sourced ...

A month abroad — day #0 and flying for the first time

After 25 years without seeing the world from just above the clouds, it was time for a change — on May 2nd, 2023, I flew in an airplane for the first time in my life. A little backstory As remote workers, my partner and I were discussing all the possibilities this work arrangement ha...

Interview with Black Student Studying Abroad

I have come to appreciate the significance of connecting with individuals who share a similar journey of self-discovery and self-improvement in terms of understanding their own identity. Establishing a personal connection with someone is extremely reassuring, and it brings me peace to know that I&rs...

How to Budget for a Semester Abroad in Barcelona

I thought to myself, how the hell am I supposed to afford blowing through 2,100 dollars at the “minimum” per month? I try to be as financially independent as I can, therefore I worked last summer as well as through the first semester of my Junior year to prepare for study abroad. Howe...

Moving Abroad: What to Expect Your First Week

It’s been two years since I moved to Berlin. Whenever I hit milestones like this, l like to reflect and write about my experiences. So, as I was about to start typing away, I stumbled on the blog I wrote one week after moving here, when everything was brand new and scary. It was fun to read...

Week 11: A Halloweekend in Dublin and the ‘Study’ Part of Study Abroad

For the last weekend of October, I went to Dublin! I stayed there from October 27th to October 29th. I went there for the Bram Stoker Festival. I was very excited for this festival. I had a course all about Bram Stoker last semester with Dr. Buchelt at UNO, and even wrote one of the best papers I&rs...

Benefits of Studying Abroad

When I was dropped off by my parents in Dublin, it definitely felt like I had a huge mountain ahead of me. The college had messed up my enrollment and placed me in the wrong classes, my accommodations were messed up as well since the building completion date was delayed, and I was going to have to f...

Making Friends When You Study Abroad

A very common phrase to hear before you study abroad is, “You’re going to make so many friends!” And there is definite truth to that statement. I made many amazing friends during my quarter abroad, many people that I still keep in touch with despite the distance. However, nobody ne...

094/731–20 Nov 2023 ) First work abroad

This was my first day working not only in the UK but also abroad. When I was in Japan, I worked from home from February 2022 to this July. So this was the first time to commute since the winter of 2022. My commuting duration is approximately an hour, taking on the tubes for about 50 minutes and t...

Adventures in Life: First Time(s) Traveling Abroad, Part 1

Long time, no post. It’s been about 3 years since I put this blog aside to focus on more pressing goals like finding a full-time job after getting my master’s. For two of those years, I went from dead-end to dead-end job. And then COVID struck, and it seemed like a lot of opportunities t...

To Montreal, my second love: An international student’s musings on making a home abroad

The Dollarama near my house gets a visit from me every week. Sometimes it’s out of necessity, but mostly it’s because I’m bored and it’s the only place where I can afford to impulsively shop. When I walked in one day this fall, the entire store was covered in shades of orange...

My life abroad

It was a sense of naïve optimism that helped me move abroad. At 21, I was ambitious, fearless, and wide-eyed enough to take my chances on starting anew overseas. Now, I’m celebrating 10 years living as an American expat in Europe. I’ve spent most of the decade living in Prague, w...

My Study Abroad Experience: Tips and Tricks You Must Keep In Mind

Growing Up in India, I always saw flying abroad as a luxury activity, which only the rich can afford in their lifetime. Being a football fanatic and a huge fan of Manchester United F.C., I always lived the dream of going to Manchester one day and watching my favorite players live in front of my eyes...

Study Abroad Israel — Tel Aviv University, Scholarships to study in Israel

Study abroad Israel — Considering Israel’s exceptional educational system and rich history, it is no surprise to see so many college students opting to make it their study abroad destination. Education is highly valued within the nation’s culture and has been instrumental in I...

In the Name of Love: MLK Day Matters More Than Ever at Home and Abroad

Monday marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Preaching nonviolence over brutishness, inspiration over resignation, love over hate, his message rings truer than ever as we tread into 2024. I’m marking it here by sharing videos featuring a remarkable rock song and an even more powerful speech. On...

Meet Shraddha Singh: A Stylish Desi Blogger Abroad

Wearing many hats, the 30-year old fashion blogger Shraddha Singh considers her biggest ‘It’ moment to be featured in Vogue India. With over 220k followers, Singh has made a name for herself since she stopped juggling between software engineer by the day and a blogger by night and jumped...

My year abroad in Alicante

Pre-Adventure and visa stress Back in September last year I packed my whole life into a 20kg suitcase and departed for ten months in the sunny, south-eastern city of Alicante in Spain. Having studied Spanish for the past two years at university and spending three months au pairing in Madrid whils...