Adventures in Life: First Time(s) Traveling Abroad, Part 1

<p>Long time, no post. It&rsquo;s been about 3 years since I put this blog aside to focus on more pressing goals like finding a full-time job after getting my master&rsquo;s. For two of those years, I went from dead-end to dead-end job. And then COVID struck, and it seemed like a lot of opportunities that were previously closed off seemed to now be available, due to remote work.</p> <p>But not here to talk about that long process. I wanted to make a post reflecting on something more personal and non-work-related. Over the years I&rsquo;ve seen a lot of Instagram posts from other graduates from my school(s) (who have been a lot more well-off than me financially) constantly sharing their travel pics.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>