Tag: Workplace

Avoid These 5 Workplace Traps to Get Ahead as a Software Engineer

To be productive as engineers, we need strict control over our workday. And we cannot let up on protecting our time. Because the vultures will come swooping in and try to waste it. Many things are out of our control in the modern workplace, but we can control what and who we give our time and how...

How can the workplace become a place where the skills and experience of older people are put to…

How can the workplace become a place where the skills and experience of older people are put to good use? That’s a goal of  Janine Vanderburg , the founder of The Age-Friendly Workplace and our guest on the newest episode of the Crow’s Feet Podcast. Listen to the epi...

Japan LGBTQ Workplace Survey Finds Many in Community are Struggling

A new report on conditions for LGBTQ people in Japanese workplaces found many in the community are struggling — and that the pandemic only made things worse. The survey Japan-based LGBTQ rights organization Nijiiro (Rainbow) Diversity recently released the results of their 2022 survey. T...

Stop the Bleeding: Brilliant Tricks to Reduce Expenses Right in the Workplace

So you managed a dependable check — great job! At this point it is the ideal chance to get that cash work for you. Between the normal Starbucks run, Friday night pizza, and those new earphones you’ve been looking at, your justified cash appears to dissipate speedier than an entertainer a...

The Dangers of Being Pretentious in the Workplace

“Pretentious” is one of those words that can make us cringe. It refers to people who are likely to show off their knowledge or status, and it can be especially rampant in the workplace. As a management issue, being pretentious is problematic because it often manifests as shallow think...

Six Types of Workplace Bias to Watch Out For Every Day

If you think you don’t have any biases, think about an airline pilot. Now think about a nurse, a doctor, and a builder. See what I mean? I grew up in the sixties & seventies in working-class Britain, so I have many unconscious biases hardwired into my brain, even if I don’t ...

5 Benefits of Having a Gym Attached to the Workplace

Having a gym attached to the workplace provides a lot of value. I know this because a few years ago I worked as a “community assistant” for a high rise downtown. With a college campus less than 100 yards away, it served as the perfect option for students and non-students looking for h...

Toxic Workplace: When Your Star Employees Grow Quiet

Alright, folks, let’s talk about a gut-wrenching topic today – when those fired-up, superstar employees of yours suddenly go radio silent. You know, the ones who used to light up the room with their ideas and enthusiasm? Yeah, those guys. Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash Th...

10 Strategies to Build and Promote a Healthier and Happier Workplace

The focus on wellbeing and mental health has been growing, especially during and after Covid where people were forced to “cut ties” with family, friends, and colleagues for a long period of time. A study from the Mental Health Foundation, which tracked mental health across the pandemic, ...

Your choices in an unhappy workplace

If you’re one of the 6 in 10 that are not engaged at work (it’s 9 in 10 in the UK!) then you have some choices. Put up with it 2. Change jobs 3. Become an ‘entrepreneur’ 4. Run away and join the circus 5. Improve your day-to-day experience to create the sp...

Millennials In the Workplace: Not So Different After All

The millennial generation, unlike any before it, is receiving an unprecedented amount of media attention given the growing awareness that they will increasingly comprise a significant portion of the workforce over the next five to ten years. Despite the growing research touting how the generations a...

Cultivating Workplace Well-being: Where Happiness Meets the Water Cooler

In the chaotic hustle and bustle of the modern workplace, it’s easy to forget that behind every desk, cubicle, and strategically placed office plant, there’s a real, live human being. Yes, they eat, sleep, and binge-watch Netflix like the rest of us. Ensuring their well-being isn’t...

Eustress: The Secret to a Happy Workplace

Let’s be real — how many of us can actually say that our work environment is a game worth playing? If the idea of “gaming” at work involves deadlines, targets, and KPIs that have us stressed to the brink, we’re doing it wrong. What if I told you that the secret to a mot...

5 questions that reveal if a company has a healthy workplace culture

“How do you know if a company’s culture is good?” Last week, a friend who’s looking for a new job asked me this. She’d been doing a few interviews, and was trying to figure out what questions to ask during her interviews to discern if a potential employer’s wor...

How to Deal with Feeling Left out at the Workplace?

Feeling left out really matters at work. How awful is the issue? Ostracism was characterized in many pieces of research as social rejection. This kind of social rejection includes practices, for example, having one’s greeting go overlooked, being eliminated from invitations, or seeing others g...

7 Ways Leaders Contribute to a Toxic Workplace Environment

Toxic work environments are unfortunately all too common. And while it’s easy to place blame on individual employees, often the root cause of the toxicity can be traced back to the leaders of the organization. In this article, we’re going to discuss how leaders contribute to the toxic...

The Eight Most Common Goal-Setting Blunders in the Workplace

That’s what it feels like to work in a team with poorly set goals. If you don’t know the destination, how can you possibly figure out the directions? Having the right goals, however, set you up for success. I saw it as a consultant with McKinsey & Company, as a leader of a team of...

Virtual reality has negative side effects — new research shows that can be a problem in the workplace

Some employers are excited about swapping out computer monitors for virtual reality headsets, but the side effects of using VR are not completely understood. In a recent study, my colleagues and I propose 90 factors that could influence VR side effects in the workplace. In another study, w...

The Importance of PAT Testing in the Workplace in Dubai, UAE

If you own an electrical equipment, you need to conduct PAT Testing regularly. There are two ways to do this: through a manual test and through a specialist test. Manual tests are the most common method and you will need a suitable tester for this type of equipment. You should also consider the risk...

Why we should rethink about workplace and mental health

Last month, my department head Ingrid headed out of the office abruptly after having received a call. Her voice was trembling and she sounded extremely worried, as she asked a colleague to catch an Uber to the hospital. Even though I might not be close to Ingrid, both at work and personally, I...

Stop talking about workplace inclusion and do something!

The next time you go to work, or work at home, will you feel able to be your true self, or will you put on your work persona for some or all of the time? Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion should mean that we can all be ourselves, yet new research by HR magazine shows that there ...

Mediation in Workplace Discrimination Cases

In the evolving landscape of workplace disputes, the use of mediation as a resolution method has gained prominence. This shift reflects a broader trend towards alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques, which promise efficiency and mutual satisfaction. However, as highlighted in a recent ...

The Choppy Waters of Workplace Inequality

I remember the day vividly — a Thursday in late spring, the kind where the sun promises warmer days ahead. I was in a small, neatly organised office, sitting across from my manager, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. We were about to discuss my annual performance and, hopefully, my sal...

Why Inclusive Workplace Design Still Has a Very Long Way To Go

A few years ago, the BBC gave one of its end of year awards for sporting achievement to Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson. The award was very well deserved, but there was a big problem at the ceremony. The awards were being presented on a raised platform in the middle of the assembled audience. Dame Tanni...

Workplace Vibes: Embracing Diversity and How Huzzle Keeps the Inclusion Game Strong

Breaking Down Stereotypes  Stereotypes? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Diversity breaks down those barriers, showing the world that we’re all more than the boxes society wants to put us in. The Inclusion Dance  Inclusivity is the real party starter. It’s about m...

Can We Drop the Workplace Jargon in 2024 Please?

I write this piece following an agile huddle to determine the best fit with my strategic objectives for the day. No of course I don’t. I write this having asked myself in the shower what I feel like writing about this morning. Just as most of us for most of the time at work think about what...

Unlock your 15 keys to a diverse and empowered workplace

In this talk, you’ll hear me say that inclusive leadership isn’t just about recognizing and acknowledging diversity. It’s also about celebrating and embracing its very concept! Now, some people would have you believe that dealing with disability is all about meeting some legal requ...

Stop talking about workplace inclusion and do something!

The next time you go to work, or work at home, will you feel able to be your true self, or will you put on your work persona for some or all of the time? Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion should mean that we can all be ourselves, yet new research by HR magazine shows that there ...