Avoid These 5 Workplace Traps to Get Ahead as a Software Engineer

<p>To be productive as engineers, we need strict control over our workday. And we cannot let up on protecting our time. Because the vultures will come swooping in and try to waste it.</p> <p>Many things are out of our control in the modern workplace, but we can control what and who we give our time and how we organize our day.</p> <blockquote> <p>Contrary to what you might believe, you are in control of your workday.</p> </blockquote> <p>Here are what I see as the most counterproductive workplace traps for engineers.</p> <h1>Working overtime</h1> <p>If you have read my articles on improving as a Software Engineer, you know&nbsp;<strong>I despise the overtime culture.&nbsp;</strong>I&#39;ve experienced burnout at the hands of a corporation multiple times in my 20+ year career as a software engineer, and it&#39;s not fun.</p> <p>I currently work for a company in New York. During the early days of the pandemic, when my coworkers stopped having to commute to work every day, they just started working during those hours. Which meant I was supposed to work during those hours.</p> <p>I fell into that trap, mainly because I work for a cancer hospital, and it&#39;s hard to say no when patient lives are on the line.</p> <p>However, once again, I quickly started to feel the effects of burnout, became disconnected at work, and needed to take an extended vacation to get my mojo back.</p> <p><u><strong><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/avoid-these-5-workplace-traps-to-get-ahead-as-a-software-engineer-a3666f6c123a">Visit Now</a></strong></u></p>