Tag: Words

Words: the new data commodity

Culture as an industry is nothing new. Neither is the notion that data is ‘the new oil’. With the popularity of AI chatbots and large language models, we’re starting a new chapter of it through access to and the commodification of words. Words have become another type of data co...

We’re Choking On Our Words

My words are failing me. Writing, of course, is only a proxy for understanding the world. But, as it teeters on a precipice, I’m trying to find words to make sense of it. No matter what our politicians tell us, the world is not black and white. Instead, it’s full of grays. We encounter t...

Every Day as you Wake, Say these Words from the Dalai Lama.

There were 100 students, and each morning, before our first meditation session, we said these words out loud together. For many of us, reciting anything in the morning wasn’t part of our usual routine. We might peek through our phones, have coffee, or run straight to work. The first time ou...

My Father Said These Two Words to Me Right Before He Died

I snatch the car keys and make my way to the front door. It’s the beginning of my senior year and I’m anxious to get to an all-important high school party. Life is good. I grab the door handle to exit our living room. I’m startled by my Mother who’s arriving home. ...

How Your Personality Is Revealed By Your Choice of Words

25 years ago, my 8th grade soccer coach walked up and said, “Can I talk to you for a second?” We went back to his office and he went on to explain that he didn’t have a spot for me on the team. I was new to soccer and this was a competitive school — so it shouldn’t h...

7 Foreign Words That Describe My 12 Years On the Road

When I first started travelling the world at 20 years old, I found comfort in meeting people that spoke English. Although everything else was foreign, there was a familiarity in being able to connect in a common language. However, the more I travelled the more I longed for the unknown. So, I&r...

Did My Words Make Sense?

To write is to be misunderstood. Gosh, not very optimistic but it is realistic. We should constantly ask, “Did my words make sense?” “Never mind what it says, we know what we mean,” said an optimist about something we were reading. Yes, we did know what it meant. We rea...

More Meaning, Less Words

Poetry comes in many shapes and sizes. From a haiku to a limerick, to a sonnet, there is plenty of options for any beginner or master poet. It is a great way to express emotions, practice rhyming, or capture a memory. Poetry is similar to a puzzle, and putting the pieces together comes easier for so...

Kind Words (A Game that gave me inspiration to Write Again)

The constant busy schedule of work and lack of play, it is apparent that I will never get over this dilemma. Who am I? A slave to the machine, or a dreamer that will never embrace his destiny? Words jumble up in my head and my mind constantly goes blank, but I am not a quitter. I know what is at ...

Doze mode and App Standby in Simple Words

Introduction Android system uses many power saving features to extend devices battery life. Doze mode and Standby mode are two of them. These two play a crucial role in determining how your apps behave when your device does not connected to a power source. Even though your app is not specially...

21.5 Subversive Words

One law the Thirty passed prohibited “teaching the art of words.” This initiative was presumably directed against the proliferation of political expertise among the Many. According to Xenophon, a rumor reached Critias and his colleague Charicles that Socrate...

One Photo and a Few Words: Part 5

Boston’s theater district keeps the lights burning One of my favorite places to capture images is Boston. The diversity of faces, statues, and businesses offers many opportunities to find something special. The theater district, which encompasses Washington, Tremont, and Boylston streets...

Words of Washerwomen

UNTIL artist Penny Anderson sent me a direct message on Twitter (the modern equivalent of the steamie) telling me about her forthcoming art project at the clothes poles on Glasgow Green, I confess I didn’t know such a place existed. But then, I’m not a native Glaswegian, unlike many o...

How Hugs With My Autistic Daughter Speak Louder Than Words

Ina city where the sun’s embrace is as warm as the hearts of its people, there’s a family, much like any other, yet unique in its own way. A family where love is the language spoken, where every touch, every glance, every smile carries a message. This is our family, our world. We are ...

When there are no words, hug.

I find that when I meet up with Jewish friends we just hug. We don’t say anything. We know there are no words so we don’t even try. We just hold onto each other for a beat longer than usual. When I see non-Jewish friends they say a lot. They ask a lot. But I find I have no answers and...

My Son Has No Words

Researchers say that the human eye can see a million colors. The light from the sun creates the movement of colors, and that is the gift my son has given me — the ability to see a million colors through his light. The other day, in the car, I leaned into my son to tell h...

Words Matter When It Comes To Racism

Some racist words are well known and should not be uttered. Others are not well known, but they should be avoided once they become known. A person can be ignorant of all the racist words but should be willing to never use them if they find out about them. Racism of any kind should not be acceptab...

Words Matter: Why We Should Put an End to “Grandfathering”

The time has come to call an end to “grandfathering”. Don’t freak out — I mean the word, not the policy. People typically use “grandfathering” to describe exempting long-time customers or users from new requirements. For example, if a company were to increase thei...

Why White People Continue to Ignore The Context of MLK's Words

It’s no secret that White people are addicted to cherry-picking aspects of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches. They seem to experience a strange delight or schadenfreude from decontextualizing the words of such an awe-inspiring Black man who is respected by so many, of twist...

Why We're Sick and Tired of People Misusing King's Words

Ever since the federal government declared January 17th a national holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr., many White people have misquoted his words, twisting them into a colorblind fantasy that goes against the very spirit of his life's work. White folks ritualistic sugarcoating is more than ...

Two Words That Create Your Reality

I just got cast in an independent movie. My years on this earth have been punctuated with stage performances, a handful of commercials, a few stints of stand-up, and lots of voiceover work. Within those years, I struggled mentally with imposter syndrome: Who the heck did I think I was to sta...

Bad Words: Tolerance

These different ways of being, of simply existing, cannot be considered unpleasant or annoying without dehumanizing the subjects in question. The problem is the people who believe in hateful superstitions in the first place. The victims of those beliefs are hardly what&rsqu...

Immigrant Words

I’ve asked myself this without letting the question resonate with me. My fears of using the word immigrant when describing my father felt fake. But it’s true by meaning. My dad came to Canada when he was sixteen or eighteen or twenty, somewhere around there, and I did...

Words Matter When It Comes To Racism

Racist rants became quite prevalent against people of Asian backgrounds during the height of the COVID pandemic. Because the virus was blamed on China, people of Asian backgrounds were seen as being responsible for the problems that COVID brought. People would act out against Asian Americans for no ...

Word Fallacies: Why I Don’t Debate Semantics in Justice Work

It happens all too often in activist circles: someone is telling about their experience of having a traditionally oppressed identity, or, during a webinar, a facilitator uses a phrase that may be new to the person hearing it. “Excuse me,” you’ll here, “Are those really the...

The Most Important 4 Words Carl Jung Ever Spoke

The last four words are perhaps the most important Carl Jung ever spoke because everything seems to circle back around to them. If I deny, reject, or try and cover up my anxiety, for example, it niggles away at me until I’m forced to pay attention. If I suppress, shut down, or ignore my ang...

What Makes a Set of Words a Work of Art?

We all read books and enjoy reading, but not all of us wonder how it happens that a set of words becomes a literary work. Why «Eugene Onegin» is a work of art while a message in Facebook is not? This issue is actually the main question of poetics, science which studies structure of li...

Nouns : The Naming Words

In English Grammar — Made Easy we touched upon parts of speech. In this article we will discuss Nouns in detail. History and Etymology for noun Middle English nowne, from Anglo-French nom, from Latin nomen. English Noun means name. A noun i...

100 English Vocab Words With Meaning, And Examples

For the full list read the article but here is the app that we would like to recommend. CLICK HERE to download. You can learn English Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Vocabulary, Grammar, and much more. More than 100 hours of study material in a single app. You must check out our&nbs...

Daily Use Vocabulary Words With Meaning

For A-Z English Study Material CLICK HERE to download our 100% Free App From Google Play Store. You can Learn English Listening, Reading Writing, Speaking, Vocabulary, and Grammar using our free app. Apart from that we have 12 Lakh English Sentences Translated into 56 Languages. CLICK...

How many French words are there in English?

French and English are fundamentally different languages in term of grammar, structure and syntax. Despite this incompatibility, all English speakers understand some French. The average native speaker will automatically recognise around 1500 French words — without needing to consult a dicti...

50 Essential Words for Advanced German Vocabulary

Expanding your advanced German vocabulary is crucial for expressing yourself accurately and effectively. By incorporating these 50 essential words into your language-learning journey, you’ll be able to navigate various topics and contexts with confidence. Remember to practice using these words...

How to Say ‘Congratulations’ in German: Celebratory Words

Hello, celebratory German learners!  Recognizing and celebrating achievements, milestones, or special occasions is important in any culture. Knowing how to express congratulations in German can help you share in these joyful moments. Let’s explore various ways to convey your best wishes a...

10 German Words That Mean More Than What They Seem

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re listening to a conversation in German, but you can’t seem to understand why people are using certain expressions? And when you try to translate it into your language, it doesn’t make any sense? Well, it’s more common th...

Hindi For Beginners: Quick Phrases and Words to Get You Started

Hindi is a beautiful language that is growing in popularity all over the world. If you are interested in learning Hindi or need to know a few basic phrases for travel, this blog post is for you! This post will list quick Hindi phrases and words to help get you started. We hope that you enjoy learnin...

‘Epeolatry’: The Reverence for Words and Their Power

*Disclosure: This article was assisted by AI technology. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and originality, some content may be influenced by the AI’s algorithms and data sources.* Introduction 'Epeolatry’, a term less known but profoundly significant, emb...

The Most Important Words When Learning A New Language

When it comes to language learning, grammar gets all the attention. Most theories about second language acquisition focus primarily on how we acquire syntax — the way we put words together to form sentences. Vocabulary, in contrast, has historically been outside of the spotlight. This is un...

Spanish Words That Start With F

Welcome to the intriguing realm of Spanish words commencing with F! Did you know that F was a late addition to the Spanish alphabet, only making its debut in the 18th century? Since then, it has secured its place, playing a crucial role in the construction of numerous captivating Spanish words. I...

Spanish Words That Start With V

Ever stopped to ponder the richness and depth of the Spanish language? With its rolling Rs and melodic flow, it truly is a language that sings to the soul. Think of a sun-soaked summer in Spain: wandering the golden beaches, roaming ancient streets, and now and then, catching the echo...

Spanish Words That Start With Z

Greetings, linguaphiles! Did you know the Spanish alphabet’s letter Z is somewhat of an enigma? Indeed! Z, intriguingly, represents a mere 0.5% of Spanish words, making it one of the least used letters in the Spanish alphabet. However, its scarcity shouldn’t deter you, for the wo...