What Makes a Set of Words a Work of Art?

<p>We all read books and enjoy reading, but not all of us wonder how it happens that a set of words becomes a literary work. Why &laquo;Eugene Onegin&raquo; is a work of art while a message in Facebook is not?</p> <p>This issue is actually the main question of poetics, science which studies structure of literary works and system of aesthetic methods used in these works. And the answer to this question should be sought in the purpose of the verbal behavior of the communicators. R. Jakobson, one of the founders of the structural method in linguistics and literary science, in a 1960 paper suggested a model of verbal act which is still used in philological studies [Jakobson: 350&ndash;377].</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/thought-thinkers/what-makes-a-set-of-words-a-work-of-art-cc59525ba03a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Set Words